
Friday, September 11, 2015

My Artist's Prayer, A Movie You Need to See, & Two Poems

Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Please visit red Robyn at Life on the Deckle Edge for Roundup.

I'm in a bit of an introspective mood today -- okay, let's face it: I'm pretty must always in an introspective mood! Specifically I've been thinking about how nourished I have felt this year in my writing life. A big part of that, I think, has to do with how I started the year off by participating in an Artist's Way group. For 12 weeks we journeyed through THE ARTIST'S WAY by Julia Cameron, and it was a transformative experience for me.

And now I am going through one of her other books, WALKING IN THIS WORLD. Walking has always been a wonderful practice for me, and now I am using that time to meditate on my creative life. I'm two weeks in, and it's been exactly what I needed and then some! (Speaking of walking in this world, if you haven't streamed the movie  TRACKS on Netflix, please do! True story of one woman's 1100 mile walk across the Australian Outback with 4 camels and a dog. Did you know wild camels roam the Outback? I didn't!)

So, today, I'd like to share with you the artist's prayer I came up with when, during the group sessions, we were asked to come up with one. As I read it now, I realize it's an affirmation for any human, whatever path.  And then I've got some links to some current favorite poems I've recorded recently on Soundcloud. Enjoy!


  1. Thank you for this inspiration and joy, my introspective friend. You always know how to fill the well. xo

    1. Oh Amy YOU are a well-filler for me. Thank you! xo

  2. I read Tracks years ago, didn't know it was a movie, Irene. I'll look for it, loved her story. I'm glad that you are enjoying your walking, and continue with Cameron's 'way'. The group must have been lovely. Thanks also for the poems, thoughtful and complicated, like life.

    1. Linda, yes, working the book with a group was amazing and totally out of my comfort zone!! I appreciate your observation of "complicated." Yes. Exactly. xo

  3. I worked through The Artist's Way, oh, over 15 years ago anyway, when I moved to NM from Boston and needed a fresh start. It was just what I needed at the time. A refresher course may be in order! Thanks for introducing me to Walking in this World, Irene. I'll definitely check it out. And thanks, as always, for sharing the poetry love.

    1. Michelle, yes to a refresher! A friend was just questioning me about WALKING so soon after THE ARTIST'S WAY. Isn't it repetitive, she said. Yes, it is a bit repetitive. But not in a dreary way. In a POETRY way! Thanks for stopping by! xo

  4. Love your artist's prayer, Irene--and am putting Tracks on my netflix cue!

    1. Buffy, ever since seeing the movie, I've been wanting to write a camel poem. If you watch, let me know, and maybe we can both write camel poems! xo

    2. Well, if there is ever a camel poem writing day, let me know! That would be fun to could be a know...

    3. Donna, that would be fun! A camel Wednesday. Let's do it! xo

  5. Beautiful post, Irene. I especially enjoyed your reading of "Message to a Former Friend" by Hoagland. (And thanks for following me on Soundcloud. I'm quite new to it, but I think it's a great way to share poetry. - You read beautifully.)

    1. Thank you, Violet, so much, for listening, and for your kind words. I love that Hoagland poem so much. And I'm so glad you're on Soundcloud! Poetry needs to be read and listened to, doesn't it? xo

  6. I need to say that prayer every single day.

    1. You and me both, Mary Lee! Thanks for visiting. xo

  7. Thanks for the movie recommendation. Hoagland is a new poet for me (maybe I found him on Writer's Almanac). I have one of his books at the library right now ready for me to pick up and explore. Thanks for sharing on soundcloud, love "poetry time with Irene."

  8. So much good stuff this weekend, Irene! Thanks for sharing all, including your lovely voice. Living each moment PLUS acknowledging infinite possibilities - a nice combination. XO

  9. That's not just an artist's prayer - that's an everyone's prayer. Nicely done, Irene.

  10. Perhaps unfortunately, but maybe fortunately, I am never content with myself just the way I am. I am with my circumstances, content; but not with myself. There is always something more to be done, something better to offer. Thanks for the introspection opportunity. I will have to think on this and see if there are some areas of myself...(lol!!) great...speaking of something more to be done or better to offer...I have to get better at this now! (Ha!) But seriously... I do.

  11. Dear Donna, have you ever tried The Artist's Way? I think you would love it. Being an artist is this interesting blend of content and discontent...I think it's called GROWTH. Here's to always growing! Thank you for visiting. xo

  12. This is such an inspirational post, Irene. I appreciate the recommendations and the prayer, and I'm especially taken by the recordings. Thank you!


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