
Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Don't you just love being around people who are generally happy about themselves and their lives? Doesn't it make you feel even better about your own life? It really does make me wonder how wonderful this world could be if more people spent more time counting their blessings instead of grumbling about the perceived slights and disappointments.
In honor of that, I am going to giveaway a copy of my book. All you have to do is leave a comment to this post about a blessing in your life. Then on Friday I'll announce the winner and send out a book! Good luck, and pass it on!!

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."

- Martin Luther


  1. of course you are giving a copy of your book away. you are a very giving person. which is why I count you as one of my blessings. I would love another copy to give to a friend. I'll email you.

  2. Irene,

    The blessings in my life are so numerous that it would be very hard to choose just one. Let's see...My relationship with God, my loving husband, my beautiful daughters, and all of our adorable furry and feathery family members. My newest blessing is the friendships that I am developing with so many lovely bloggers. I never realized that blogging would lead me to so many wonderful, interesting people. It has truly been a delightful surprise! Irene, you are one of those blessings, and I am grateful that I was led to your site.

    I love that you are doing this giveaway! I have been meaning to order a copy of your book, but I would love an autographed one, so let me know if it would be best to just order one through you. I look forward to reading your work and sharing it with my daughters and my nieces who are five and nine.

    Have a great evening!


  3. Irene,

    I just left a post on my site, telling people about your giveaway. This is such a nice thing for you to do.


  4. Thanks Anonymous -- you are a blessing to me as well. And Deb, our outlooks are so much the same... I love a girl who has more blessings than she can possibly count! Thanks for posting on your site, and I would love to autograph a copy of the book for you. I'm so glad we've "met!"

  5. Thanks Irene! It is my absolute pleasure to let people know about you. You have an attitude which is worth knowing!

    As for my girls, just because you might not see the elbowing that is going on, don't think that it isn't happening! Girls are just a little less obvious about it. How many boys do you have? I am looking forward to son-in-laws and grandsons, someday.


  6. What a wonderful contest!! I love it.

    Let's see..I also have so many blessings in my life..but I think my biggest blessings have been the trials and tribulations I have gone through. I always come out the other side stronger, more spiritual, more emotional growth, and a better person. I am definitely who I am today because of what I did yesterday. I would not change anything about me today, that feeling in and of itself is a blessing.
    My life is a blessing, good and bad...I love it all!!
    Thanks for the contest is wonderful!!

  7. You three totally renew my faith in humanity. Not that it was ever gone, but it needs refreshing from time to time! So true about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger... isn't it amazing to look back on the you you used to be and marvel at who you've become? Thanks, ladies!


Your thoughts?