
Monday, January 14, 2008


Remember how I was saying my one little word for 2008 is JOY? Well, one of the things in my life that brings me the most joy is being a mom.
Yesterday I had one of those mom-moments when I realize my baby is eight! (January 13 is his birthday.) This kid brings me so much joy. Sure, he puts me over the edge sometimes, too, but isn't that just a part of it? His name is Eric, and his hero is Albert Einstein.
Eric feels he and Albert have a lot in common: science (number one), dyslexia, and this feeling of being "different." So for his birthday, Eric wanted a poster of Einstein to put in his "lab," which occupies a corner of our basement. It's the famous picture of crazy-haired Einstein sticking out his tongue, and at the bottom it has this funny quote:

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

-Albert Einstein


  1. Awww Irene, Happy birthday to your sweet son, Eric. He sounds like a precious young man! I do understand what you mean. They grow up so incredibly fast. I wish that we could keep them small for longer.


  2. Irene,

    I just wanted to let you know that I added you to my "favorite places to visit" list. I enjoy your site, so I know that other people will.


  3. Hi Debbie! Thanks for the birthday wishes and for visiting me here! I am putting you on my fave list, too. Right now. (I have been meaning to but get sidetracked so easily!) Hugs to you too -- will send you poems as soon as I've got 'em presentable.

  4. Very little man will be 8 on Valentines day!!

  5. Ooh, what a great birthday! Happy early birthday to him! And isn't 8 a great age? I am loving it.


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