
Monday, April 7, 2008


Remember these books? My 11 year old has just discovered them.

And last night as he busily looked up the word "abominable" in his handy dandy bedside dictionary (my boy's a word lover! Woohoo!), I was thinking the Choose Your Own Adventure series is a great example of literature that breaks the fourth wall.

Check 'em out! Meanwhile, I'll be plugging along on this revision...

“A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.”

-Steven Wright


  1. Happy Monday, Irene.

    Although I am not familiar with this set of books, I am glad that your son is such a reader! Two of my daughters LOVE to read and my other two don't really like sitting still for that long. I am hoping that they will also pick up the love for reading as they get older. Our house is filled with books, so hopefully one day, they will open one;) My fourteen year old still likes it when I read to her.

    I love the quote that you chose for today. So true!

    Hugs and love,

  2. Oh, I am so happy part of yours are readers! My youngest has dyslexia and loves to be read to but HATES to read. What a sweet mom you are to still read to your 14 year old! I do that too. :) They are never to old, in my opinion. And yes, they may become readers yet: my husband is an avid reader now but didn't really start till he was mid-twenties. Go figure... xxoo


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