
Sunday, September 7, 2008


The Trout

When you’re gone
I put on Schubert’s ‘Trout’ Quintet,
imagine your fingers in graceful arches
dancing across my skin.

And when in the second Movement
the piano slows, barely
hovering above the double bass’
abyss of sorrow, I sink into
your absence,
wait for what I know comes next –

the Scherzo – the breathless anticipation
just before we meet again,
the sound of the trout rushing upstream,
one glorious leap after another,
silver scales shimmering,
notes fat with desire.

- Irene Latham

The Trout is still one of my most favorite pieces of music... unfortunately this poem doesn't even come close to doing it justice. I should write another one.

"Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body."

~Oliver Wendell Holmes


  1. It's a lovely poem, Irene.

    Try listening to The Lark Ascending by Ralph Vaughn Williams. See what you feel.


  2. I love this poem, Irene! You are such a wonderful poet.


  3. NONSENSE! You did it great justice with your poem! The words practically melted in my mouth as tension was released in my brain. It was like I was sitting at the window looking out listening to the music myself. The ups&downs , the scales, the depths of feelings all too near. You made me feel his absence and at the same time roll with the flow of the roller coaster music. I loved it. Like the quote too at the bottom. Good job, Irenie-McSchweenie.

  4. Many thanks... and The Lark Ascending is GORGEOUS. Thanks for the intro, Anna. Music is good medicine, that's for sure. xxoo


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