
Friday, October 31, 2008


1. Early this morning when I was driving the kids to school, I spied a beautiful hot air balloon hovering just above the tree line. Talk about a great way to start the day!

2. For those of you who have been so sweet about my father: he is at Mayo Clinic in surgery as we speak. Keep those prayers and good thoughts coming.

3. Just in time for Halloween, I have a new favorite candy: vanilla yogurt creme Hershey kisses. Yum!

4. I am super excited about talking with the Girl Scouts about writing on Sunday. It's gonna be fun!

5. My back yard is now the home of a bunch of new oak leaf hydrangeas, Christmas cheer azaleas, Lenten roses, and a wide variety of ferns. The centerpiece is a Milky Way Kousa dogwood. Now all that's left is to empty the truck of its four giant scoops of mulch. Shovels, anyone?

"The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer."

- Fridtjof Nansen (Nobel Prize for Peace, 1922)

1 comment:

  1. You will have to take pictures of your back yard. Would love to see them. I admire anyone with a green thumb cause I do not have one.
    We said many prayers for your dad and was soo glad to hear all went well thus far. xoxo from all of us here. Great quote by the way!


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