
Friday, October 17, 2008


1. It's raining! This is cause for much joy, as we here in Birmingham can't quite seem to pull ourselves out of last year's drought. Maybe I'll get brave and put in those new plants in the back yard??

2. My editor says we are down to line edits on THE WITCHES OF GEE'S BEND. Guess that means all the heavy lifting is done. Whew. Talk about relief. And it frees my mind for my latest project: a coffee table photo/poetry book project with those awesome photographers who so graciously contribute to Thousand Word Thursday. I am eight poems in with oh about forty-two more to go. :)

3. Read an amazing book this week: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Suzanne is also the author of the Gregor the Underlander Series, and we share the same agent! Anyhow, my fourteen year old and I agree: this book rocks. Told in first person, it has just the right amount of life/death struggle, impossible romance, and relevance to our current society. Now my almost-twelve year old is reading it. (While I dig into Alabama Moon by Watt Key.)

4. Southern Breeze's Writing and Illustrating for Kids conference is this weekend right here in Birmingham, so I'll be catching up with author-friends and meeting new ones and learning more about this whole writing biz. Southern Breeze has been instrumental in helping me get where I am today, so I am pleased and proud to once again be attending.

5. Fingers crossed I can make it to Birmingham Museum of Art's Leonardo da Vinci exhibit. They've got eleven drawings on display as well as Leo's Codex on the Flight of Birds. We're not talking reproductions here. It's the actual parchment and red chalk, all they way from Italy! And Birmingham is one of only two US cities who get to see this. (Exhibit moves to San Francisco in November.) I am so there.

Happy weekend everyone!

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away."

- Barry Goldwater


  1. Glad to here all is going well with the editing process of your book. Cant wait to see the coffee table book when done. If I can contribute a photo that would be awesome! , but dont want to be pushy. You have MJ and LYnn both EXCELLENT photographers so probably wont need mine, but I will offer anyway. Sounds like you are busy. I have been so busy with phototaking that I havent written anything new in a month or so. lol I have had a photo shoot for friends or family alomst every weekend. I am booked every Sat thru Nov 1st weekend too. Its exciting! but nerveracking too. Well God Bless Yall and Much Love. Hope your dad is still progressing well. My great aunt Ruth dies last night but only met her twice and did not know her really. Please pray for her family and her husband. Thanks. Michelle

  2. Yep, doing something I love. = ) YES! you can use whatever of my pictures you want. The hanging heart one you are more than welcome to use. I sent you an email but it must have not gone thru back when you first asked.GOOD! I am glad you still want to use it! Thanks for the compliment! and yes MA'AM! I will get writing asap. lol xoxo

  3. Dear Heart,

    Things sound very full for you right now. I am so excited to hear that things are moving along with Gee's Bend!(which I LOVED reading, by the way!) I love the idea of your poetry/photo book. Of course, I will have to buy one for my home. I am a big fan of your poetry, and I was not a poetry fan before I met you, so that is a very good thing!

    Enjoy your weekend!



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