
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am thrilled and honored to find two of my poems in the December issue of Glass, which also includes poems by such poets as Anuja Ghimire, Mary C. O'Malley, Robert Hastings, Caroline Miller, and others. Check 'em out! And if you've got something ready to submit, do consider this wonderful journal.

Now, a question: how do you writers out there feel about being edited?

I was reminded yesterday of the very first time I was edited, way back at the college newspaper. I remember how I picked up that newspaper article, and I was SO MAD to see my byline on something that was so spliced and diced, it barely resembled the words I had originally written. (My beautiful, wonderful words! Gone!)

Now, of course, I've had years to toughen my skin, as well as the opportunity to work the other side of the desk. But I gotta tell you, sometimes it still stings.

But only for a little while.

Then I look at it again (after a piece of Godiva chocolate or a nice long bubble bath) and see all my glaring errors... and suddenly I am overwhelmed with gratitude. To think that another human being took the time to keep me from making a complete fool of myself.... I mean, wow. You really can't put a price on something like that.

So thanks to all you editors out there who dive in again and again and make writers look way more gorgeous than we actually are. We'd be nothing without you.

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."

— Maya Angelou


  1. !!! I just went to the link and read "The house on Baltimore Street was not built for battle."

    I am reeling. It is amazing. If I were still teaching freshman English, I would have run into the classroom waving a copy of your poem over my head and yelling, "This is what our language can do to capture human experience and bottle it. Drink deeply from this one!" (I was known as lovingly as Crazy-Lady R when I was teaching, by the way)

    I am not teaching right now, and so I am admiring your poem alone in my study, where it is echoing off the walls and will permeate my day. Thank you for seeing so well. Your writing is a gift to everyone who reads it.

  2. I had an editor change my final paragraph in a piece without informing me. I opened up this glossy magazine expecting to feel pride at my inclusion in a magazine that I could buy at a grocery store. When I read the piece and saw what they did to it I wanted to buy every copy and tear out my piece.

    After reading Kirie's rave review it is with great anticipation that I am off to read your poem.Congratulations to you!!

  3. I love a good edit, but I like to see what's been done to something before it's "out there". Not that I think I need to approve or change things . . . I just want to know BEFORE everyone else how my work is being presented.

    And, I agree. Yay for editors who keep us from making fools of ourselves.

    Now, I'm off to read your poem.


  4. Thanks, Kirie, for your wonderful words about the Gettysburg poem! Making history come alive is truly one of my goals as a writer. Thanks for recognizing it.
    Belette- oh, my heart! I felt just that way when the college news article came out. But at least it wasn't glossy or available at Wal-Mart. Bless you.
    SF - the trick is knowing when to fight a battle and when to trust the editor. Tricky business....

  5. Thanks for the kind words about the issue, Irene. We loved your poems and are so happy that you are enjoying the issue.

    And, as working writers ourselves, we know exactly what you mean about being edited. We've both had our poems edited and it is a strange feeling, which really puts the pressure on whenever we ask for edits for Glass. Thankfully, your poems were perfect when we received them.

    Best of luck with the rest of your work.

    Holly & Anthony
    editors, Glass: A Journal of Poetry


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