
Thursday, March 12, 2009


When I went out to get my mail today, I found inside an ordinary brown box this bit of loveliness:

When I unwrapped it, I found this wonderful book about poet William Stafford:

And this delicate origami butterfly:

And these wonderful hand-made fleur-de-sel caramels:

And inside the book, this:

And it all came from a beautiful person I would never have known if not for blogging. I mean who does things like this any more, such thoughtful, personal, tender things? Only the most giving of spirits. I am touched and honored and most grateful to call her "friend" -- thanks Kirie. "And all my love."


  1. Irene,

    That is beautiful! I have had something that I want to send you for a while now, but I have to dig up your address again. I know I still have it somewhere.

    Here is a note from my youngest angel, Mikayla:
    Thank you for the very kind comment that you left my mom about my poem. Your words mean a lot. I was looking at your poetry book and it is beautiful. I wrote another poem today but my mom says I shouldn't write on my arm. I wrote it down on paper, too.

    Thanks again!

    Love you, Irene!-Hugs, Debbie

  2. Irene! I am so glad you liked the package. You put great beauty and spirit into the world, my new friend, and it was my pleasure to send you something to honor that.

    You know, I found your blog completely by accident, in the usual blog-hopping way. And I have been inspired by your writing and your worldview ever since. You are a treasure!


  3. she is making the world a better place. Way to share the love Kirie.
    How nice.


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