
Thursday, May 28, 2009


Welcome, poetry lovers! Roundup is here... so leave your name and link and a little bit about your post in comments and I'll corral them periodically throughout the day. This little tradition has been a wonderful addition to my week... I truly believe poetry makes the world a better place, and I have so enjoyed the posts on all of your sites in recent weeks.

As for my own contribution, I give you a steamy poem I wrote after listening and listening to Norah Jones. I was so pleased and honored when it appeared in Motif: Writing by Ear. If you enjoy writings about music, this is a must-have anthology. Seriously. Excellent stuff.

After Listening to Norah Jones’ Come Away with Me

I remember your weathered
mouth at daybreak

how it disappeared
over a steaming hill
and my ears filled
with a fierce humming.

Go tend the barbed wire.

I will wait for you
on the shuck mattress
red roof unpinned
and ripening.

I will hold the heavy
bucket, fill it
with golden sagebrush
and puffs of cinnamon smoke.

You be the nightingale
and sing us a song.

- Irene Latham

Mary Lee features a cecropia moth that we found in our school garden earlier this week.

Laura has 15 Words or Less poems up.

Sara has some thoughts some puzzlement over Wallace Stevens' line "I wish that I might be a thinking stone."

Stella wrote a poem about Mother Reader's coming up event 48 Hour Reading Challenge.

Tricia has a poem by Gregory Orr.

The Write Sisters look at Write Your Own Poetry by Laura Salas.

Kurious Kitty is in with "Lost" by Carl Sandburg.

Gregory K. has a post on made up words and invites you to share yours.

Diane suggests differentiating haiku from haiku.

Andromeda has a couple or original poems for her children's teachers today.

John Mutford has favorites from Henry Reed.

Violet has an original poem on sewing (girl after my own heart!)

Blackeyed Susan shares a poem by Nita Penfold.

Color Online offers an original poem.

The Stenhouse Blog has two poems by Olivia Varner.

Kelly has an original poem.

At Wild Rose Reader, poems in limbo.

At Blue Rose Girls, a Marie Howe mother-daughter poem.

Kelly offers a Ben Jonson poem.

Ray has an original poem.

At Bildungsroman , song lyrics.

At Knocking from Inside, an original poem entitled "Mad Birds."

Janet has NPR's recession haiku and a Wendell Berry poem.

Tabatha offers haiku (and haiku-ish). Love it! :)

TS offers an original poem.

Readertotz offers Around the Green Gravel.

Lorie Ann has an orignal poem.

Mitali also has an original poem.

Karen has Billy Collins' Workshop (one of my faves!)

Serena offers an original poem.

Liz's poem has gone to the DOGS!

Chicken Spaghetti shares a Mark Doty poem.

Jill shares an original acrostic poem.

Julie's got an original sonnet. !!

Susan shares an original award-winning poem.

Erin shares an original "california" poem.

Sherrie shares an interview with Thalia Chaltas, author of verse novel BECAUSE I AM FURNITURE.

Sarah has a (not autobiographical) original poem. :)

Jennie shares a review of I HEART YOU, YOU HAUNT ME by Lisa Schroeder.

Sylvia is in with a review of COME TO THE CASTLE (and a contest -go see!!)

Bri shares a William Carlos Williams poem and a link to other poems inspired by art.


  1. I'm up with a post about a few of my favorite made-up words from poems... and a quest for other people's favorites:

    Made-up WordsThanks for hosting, Irene!

  2. Thanks for hosting! (steamy, indeed! HOO-ee!)

    My poem this week features a cecropia moth that we found in our school garden earlier this week.

  3. Many, my comment disappeared. Dang. Blogspot is not playing nicely with my computer recently.

    I have 15 Words or Less poems up at Come join in!

    And I love your poem. I said that in more detail before. Thanks for hosting!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Irene,
    I enjoyed reading your poem today. Love your choice of words!
    Thanks for Hosting Poetry Friday. I wrote a poem about Mother Reader's coming up event 48 Hour Reading Challenge. Here is the link

  6. The Write Sisters look at Write Your Own Poetry by Laura Salas.

    Thanks for posting, and, for your lovely poem! "Shuck mattress" puts me right there!

  7. Kurious Kitty is in with "Lost" by Carl Sandburg.

    Have a great weekend.

  8. At Random Noodling I suggest differentiating haiku from haiku.

    How did your skirt turn out?

  9. Thanks for hosting! I have a couple original poems for my children's teachers today.

  10. Thanks for hosting, Irene.

    I love Norah Jones' voice and your poem catches the feelings so well. I especially like the bucket filled with sagebrush and puffs of cinnamon smoke

    My poem is an original called "In Stitches" about sewing. (I smiled when I checked in here yesterday and saw that your mum was sewing you something - though I'm sure she is much more professional than I am!)

    My poem is here:

  11. Sensual. Erotic. And so few poets do these well. I love the Jone's tune. Can see how it would inspire your poem. Lovely way to start my poetry reads for the day. Thank you.

    Here's my selection, a poem from Nita Penfold.

  12. Thanks for hosting this week. For Color Online, I offer a poem of my own written for a past writing prompt. Here's my poem, "I Like The Sound of My Voice."

  13. Hello! Two poems this week on The Stenhouse blog by Olivia Varner.

  14. I like your poem, Irene! I also use music as inspiration for my poetry!
    I have an original poem at
    Thanks for hosting!

  15. Thanks so much for doing the Poetry friday Roundup this week. Love your poem!

    At Wild Rose Reader, I have Poems in Limbo--or unpolished poems for which I may never write a final draft.

    At Blue Rose Girls, I have a fine mother-daughter poem by Marie Howe entitled HURRY.

  16. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm in with To the Memory of My Beloved, the Author Mr. William Shakespeare by Ben Jonson. Here's the link:

  17. I'm Ray and this is only my second time.

    Mine has to do with... hanging from a tree branch, I guess.

  18. Nice to meet you! Thanks for hosting this week.

    I opted for song lyrics this week at Bildungsroman - I posted a piece of Bar-Ba-Sol by David Cook because I woke up with it on my mind.

  19. Thanks for hosting this week! I have a link to NPR's collection of "recession haiku" contributed by readers, as well as a Wendell Berry poem titled "To My Mother."

  20. Hi Irene,

    I like your poem :-) I have some haiku (or, with a nod to Diane, perhaps some things that are haiku-ish).

    Have a great weekend!

  21. Hi, Irene -- I come by way of my good friend Keith Badowski, whose poetry has inspired me for more years than I care to casually reveal. Thanks to Keith, I've also recently joined the Friday poetry bandwagon, and will be checking back here often! Here's my most recent entry.

  22. Hi Irene!

    Thanks for hosting! Over at readertotz we have Around the Green Gravel and at On Point I have an original haiku, Repose.

    Happy Poetry Friday!

  23. Romantic! Thanks for hosting.

    Here's mine, an original poem called New Age.

  24. Thanks for hosting! I'm in this week with some Billy Collins, and it's here. Have a great Poetry Friday!

  25. Hi, Irene! This is my second week of Poetry Friday. I love it!

    Here is my poem:


  26. Thanks so much for rounding up today!
    My post has gone to the DOGS!

  27. Thanks so much for rounding up.

    I'm in with a post at my blog Chicken Spaghetti, which provides a link to Mark Doty's "Heaven for Stanley."

  28. I posted an original acrostic in honor of BEA, BOOK OF POEMS.

    BOOK OF POEMS acrostic by Jill CorcoranThanks for hosting:)

  29. That's a lovely poem, Irene, especially that red-roof unpinned and ripening!

    I'm in for Poetry Friday with an original sonnet titled Other Taxonomies." It's over at The Drift Record

  30. Your poem is beautiful! I love the image of
    "Go tend the barbed wire." against the softness of waiting in bed.

    I have an original poem (which just won a Poetry Contest) that is inspired by my current MG verse novel.

    Thank you for hosting.
    Susan Taylor Brown

  31. Thanks for the roundup!
    Here's my contribution, its title is "california":

  32. I have an interview with poet/novelist Thalia Chaltas about her first book, BECAUSE I AM FURNITURE, which is written in verse. In the interview she talks about poetry, books and the connection between shoes and writing :^)

  33. Hi, your poem is fabulous. I've never participated in Poetry Friday before - is it okay to just jump in? And am I too late? Here is a contribution.

  34. Here's a poem from and a review of I Heart You, You Haunt Me:

    Thanks for hosting!

  35. Thanks for hosting and for sharing your provocative poem!

    I'm in this week with a review and excerpt from COME TO THE CASTLE-- which is available for FREE to five lucky winners...

  36. I'm in with a post of William Carlos Williams and other art-related poetry. That anthology sounds great, I'll have to pick it up.

  37. A very late original entry titled SOUNDS OF NIGHT at

    Thanks for hosting!

  38. The days pass and weeks to come have moved on, now into months
    Our love pulsating with each beat of our heart
    Further and more deeply in love we travel
    Loving you more with every passing moment shared
    Adventuring thru the trail in the tall icy grass @


Your thoughts?