
Friday, November 20, 2009


1. Book club tonight. And we're talking about MY BOOK!!

2. NEW MOON tomorrow night. With the book club. We just can't get enough of each other. :)

3. Reading THE SMALL ADVENTURES of POPEYE AND ELVIS by Barbara O'Connor to Eric. Reading two Tenner ARCS to myself. And loving!!!

4. Thinking about turkey-n-dressing for Thanksgiving and missing my mother-in-law because she put so much LOVE in it, none of us wanted to leave the table ever.

5. Feeling like "grateful" is too wee a word for all I want to shove into it.


  1. How exciting to discuss your own book at the book club. Enjoy this!

  2. I can't wait to see New Moon!! and Leaving Gee's Bend looks good!!

  3. This Thanksgiving is a step toward me handing the "carry on the tradition" reins to my daughter. Missy will be cooking this year and everyone is going to her house. I thought it would feel lost and sad to not be planning the large gathering but it feels hmmm not happy or good... free, that's it. I'm still cooking the ham and doing devil eggs and of course my famous chocolate pies but no balancing act to get everyone to come at the same time, no planning and list making of everything I need to do to make everyone feel special and happy. Just slip that ham in the oven and put the eggs on to boil. What in the world will I do Thanksgiving morning... ANYTHING I WANT!

  4. Hello, Irene, I'm looking forward to reading your book as I love the story of the Gee's Bend quilts and can't wait to read your take on it.
    Did you like Popeye and Elvis? Another of my favorite things= Barbara O'Connor's books.
    Augusta Scattergood


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