
Monday, November 2, 2009


Well, we have a winner of the GO YOUR OWN WAY HALL OF FAME CONTEST. But before we get to that, I want to share some pictures with you.

First, here's the whole class dressed up like characters from LEAVING GEE'S BEND. Don't they look wonderful?!

Here are some who chose to dress like Mama or Daddy or Baby Rose:

Next up, we have Ludelphia Bennett, the hero of our story:

Then Ludelphia's brother, Ruben, who has a secret:

Watch out for Mrs. Cobb and that shotgun!

Now meet Etta Mae, aka "the girl in the yellow dress":

And last but not least, Doc Nelson and Mrs. Nelson (Ludelphia meets them in Camden):

I was so touched to see so much creativity and enthusiasm from Mrs. Young and these kids! What a special day. Thank you, Mrs. Young's Yacht Club!!!

And now, drumroll please: the last ARC of LEAVING GEE'S BEND goes to... GLENDA BYARS of Gadsden, Alabama!! And I'll be sending $52 to the Gee's Bend Foundation. Thanks, everyone, for your wonderful suggestions! I will continue to invite nominations to the GO YOUR OWN WAY HALL OF FAME, and you can find the latest list here.

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