
Thursday, December 17, 2009


This week is was my good fortune to read three awesome books coming soon to booksellers and librarians near you.

First up, TORTILLA SUN by Jennifer Cervantes:

I love this book. It is pure tesoro, which, for the non-Spanish speaking means "treasure." I only know the word because it appears in this magical book, along with a bunch of other beautiful Spanish words. And there's a glossary at the end. AND a recipe for Nana's famous tortillas. Did I mention I love this book? Magic. Love. Enchantment. DON'T MISS.

And speaking of magic, here's MAGIC UNDER GLASS by Jaclyn Dolamore.

It's a love story! And a fantasy! And I was absolutely transported into the world of Nim and Erris. Really lovely. Check it out. NEXT WEEK!!! Release date is Dec. 22.

Finally, for something superfun THE RISE OF RENEGADE X by Chelsea Campbell.

Oh, my, you are going to love Damien Locke! As if the cover wasn't enough of a sell, he's smart and witty and vulnerable. And needs a good girl to see him through all the madness that little X brings him. Really great dialogue and just a fun premise. Even for the non-comic-book junkies (like me).

What ARC will find its way to my mailbox next?? I'll let you know.


  1. You've got me drooling, Irene!!

  2. "smart and witty and vulnerable"

    Love it! *sigh*

  3. After reading your beautiful lyrical prose, this is such a compliment! By the way, I ordered books for my students for the spring! Can't wait to read your book with my lit class :)


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