
Friday, December 11, 2009


Fellow Tenner Kody Keplinger, who is all of 18 and just AMAZING, had the great idea to share the agent love today. And Lisa and Laura graciously volunteered to round up the posts.

I should confess right up front that in the beginning, I didn't really want an agent. I am a do-it-yourself kind of gal, and I sort of had this dream of getting discovered off the slush pile. So, for the longest, I subbed to editors and didn't give agents another thought.

But then I got impatient. And the stars lined up and I got Rosemary Stimola of Stimola Literary Studio.

There are lots of awesome things about Ro, and I've even blogged about a few of them here. But today I love her because she gives the most awesome greeting cards:

Cute puppies, huh? Thanks, Ro!


  1. Ro is so much fun! I loved meeting her at my very first SCBWI Regional conference, and it was my first time to put a face (and a nice one, at that!) on a real-live agent!

    Sarah Frances

  2. I have a small amount of hero-worship for RS because she represents the Hunger Games - and since she clearly has fantastic taste, I CANNOT wait to read your book too!!!

  3. Isn't that the greatest holiday card? The minute I took it out of the envelop, my girls went awwww.

  4. I love the card too. She is fab. I also wrote an homage to her at


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