
Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Big congrats to fellow Tenner Anna Jarzab on today's release of her debut book, ALL UNQUIET THINGS!! I am so looking forward to reading... I mean, check out this cover:

Now let me tell you about the most recent ARC I've had the pleasure of reading -- The RED UMBRELLA by Christina Gonzalez. It's a powerful historical story about family and home that's based on Operation Pedro Pan. I'm telling you, you will be drawn into Lucia's story and that red umbrella will stick with you! Oh, and check out this cool trailer:

And, no, I haven't forgotten. Will post pics from Sunday's book launch tomorrow! Meanwhile, have you signed up for Comment Challenge 2010? Five comments a day for two weeks. That's it. And imagine the blogging connections you might make... see you there!


  1. Actually found you through the Comment Contest. I'll be back!

  2. well the pressure is on Irene... I comment to your post and if you post everyday that will be one of my five.
    Wow what a great book cover... that book will sell just by the cover
    Reading Leaving Gee's Bend (whoa that is a mouth full) so far so good.

  3. I'm excited for the comment challenge, it's hard though! I really like the trailer for the Red Umbrella and I can't wait for the release :)

    Congrats on the release of Leaving Gee's Bend, I've read nothing but good reviews!

  4. The Red Umbrella book tralor makes me want to read it, but it will have to wait until I finish Leaving Gee's Bend. I can't wait for the nonfiction workshop you will be doing in Nashville too!

  5. Wow, what a great book trailer. I want to read it!

  6. Visiting through the comment challenge. Congratulations on YOUR book. Re the cover of All Unquiet Things: I'm sure there must have been a lot of research that went into what kind of covers attract teen readers. It definitely grabs me, but it also scares me.


Your thoughts?