
Thursday, March 4, 2010


I've made lots of mistakes in my life, and I swear it's made me a better, stronger, wiser (sometimes poor-er) person. And this one I've got to share.

See, I'm super excited about my trip to Charlottesville, Virginia, later this month (March 19-21), for Virginia Festival of the Book, where I'll be on a panel called Terrific Kids' Novels Adults Will Love Too , with fellow authors Kathy Erskine, Fran Cannon Slayton, Sara Lewis Holmes and Sue Corbett.

But. I'm NOT so excited about the nine hour drive.

Now, I am no stranger to road trips, and usually lovelovelove to drive, because I can listen to books and work out plot problems and put my cell phone to good use.

It's just that THIS nine hour drive will come after an evening event the night before, and I'll have to get up super early, and by the time I get there it will be supper time, and I will be worn out and bedraggled from the road -- and really I was just thinking of roomie Amy Brecount White when I started looking for flights into Richmond, VA, which is only an hour away from Charlottesville.

Imagine my glee when I found a $99 flight, which I booked right away! One-way, because I have a school visit near Knoxville, TN, the Monday after the Festival, and really, Knoxville is on the way home, so no biggee, right? I'll just rent a car and drive home. And it will be great, because I can stay with my sister, and the drive will be broken into two days, and it will just be Fabulous. Wonderful. Brilliant!

...until I checked in with the rental car companies. Turns out, it costs A LOT to rent a car one way. The cheapest I could find was a$.50 fee PER MILE on top of the daily rate (around $50). We're talking $600 or more, people! CRAZY TOWN!

So... guess who's driving to Charlottesville, after all? And guess who gets my nonrefundable $120 with taxes/fees airline ticket? Oh, DELTA, you DO own the skies, don't you??

In other news, check out what I have to say about learning from loss on Jenny Moss's blog. And check out this recent review of LEAVING GEE'S BEND at Muddy Puddle Musings.

Now, hopping in my car for a short 2.5 hour ride to Florence, Alabama, where I will shack up with writing compatriot/dear friend Pat Weaver, then visit Central School tomorrow... and sign books at Sherlock's Books in Lebanon, TN, 1-4 pm Saturday. Happy weekend to all!


  1. plot course before you submit...that is in life too. :P)you could catch a bus back to Knoxville. or do the have trains??? I hear the train a coming, it coming round the bend... I ain't seen the sunshine in I don't know when... did my sing make you feel better? You better be glad I was sing through words and not for real... Ouch my aching ears!

  2. How frustrating! I really liked your guest post on loss. I'm glad you have those nieces.

  3. Be sure you call Delta and let them know that you won't be using the ticket. You don't want to get on their black list of no shows. I'm pretty sure they have one.

  4. Wow, what a crazy story. But I feel like I saw you tweet that Delta refunded you? Was I dreaming? Was it someone else? (Twitter tends to start blending after a while!)

    How wonderful you are doing all these visits. Can't wait to hear more about them!

  5. poop! that stinks. oh well - maybe you'll see somethign on the road that will inspire you. :)


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