
Monday, October 4, 2010


I can't believe it's October. I mean, I love October. I just can't believe it's here already. But wow, is it ever. We've had some wonderfully cool evenings and delightfully sunshiney days, which are fantastic for taking a book out on the porch and reading for a spell.

To start with, there's DAYS OF LITTLE TEXAS by fellow Alabamian and amazing writer R.A. Nelson -- it's just out in paperback with an eye-catching new cover. And yes, it's about faith. It also has a ghost in it. Russ is cool like that.

And you don't want to miss LOSING FAITH by Tenner and 2k10 classmate Denise Jaden. This one is tightly written and mysterious and sad and hopeful... and I learned about church home groups and other stuff I knew nothing of. I was fascinated by the tension created by a girl of little faith growing up in a home bursting with faith... congratulations, Denise! May you write many more!!!

Finally, check out this collaboration from Elizabeth Dulemba and Susan Rossen Spain:

Elizabeth said, "be a peach," and I was like, well, sure because I already am! A Georgia peach, that is... yep, I was born there. Which makes me especially excited about this Christmas offering. I still remember my father reading The Cajun Night Before Christmas when we lived in Louisiana... love me some regional Christmas fun! Even in October. For me, anytime is a good time for Christmas cheer.

If you need me, I'll be outside, soaking up the season... hope you are too!


  1. I bet my sunshine soaking yesterday was better than yours... I went horseback riding with friends. We went to 7 springs which is a werid name because we rode for 4 hours and I didn't see one. but they don't open u

  2. Oh, I hopped on over to both blogs of the YA books you recommended and read the first chapter of Losing Faith. Thanks for the recs. I think that owning a Kindle is going to mean that I spend more on books . . . The Georgia book looks fun too.


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