
Monday, January 3, 2011


After much thought and consideration about where I am in my life as the calendar flares "2011," I've made my choice.

For all the words I considered, there was always this one word coming back again and again, like an echo across a wide canyon. You can't ignore something like that. And it's a word that makes sense, too, after a year spent in the more superficial celebratory mode of launching a debut novel.

This year I want something different. This year I want to go...

Deeper in my writing, in my relationships, in my spiritual life. I don't want to get all lazy and stop. I don't want to cave to the multitude of excuses that come with a life that chock-full.

This year I want to keep going, keep pushing, even when it gets itchy and tight and my stomach starts to lurch.

This year I will embrace the itch, create the burn, take more risks. This year I'm going deeper. And I'll share some of my experiences, here, with you, my friends in cyberspace.

Now. What about you? Have you chosen your one little word? I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I think my one word for 2011 is RISK. With The New Normal I took a risk on something different than typical YA, but like you, I'd like to go deeper this year. Explore things that might be painful. Take more risks. RISK, it is.

  2. I have indeed chosen my word and I'm praying that it answers a lot of questions for me.


    I'd love for you to read about it on my blog!
    Thanks for your sweet words. It's my prayer that FOCUS will help me go deeper still!

  3. My word would be ONWARD or maybe better said as FORWARD: Moving forward with my writing goals, going onward with my white cane/mobility skills, being forward thinking (positivity) in life. You can check out my resolutions/goals on my blog post:

  4. word for a year... hummmm I guess my word would be better... I want to be a better writer, a better person, a better friend and I want to be better at making time to write. I want to be the new improved StableGranny that can leap tall building with just one word. I want to move forward taking risk and going deeper but hope to stay focused on what is important. See! I'm into writing this week.

  5. I think my one word would be "control." I felt tossed around by every screaming immediate need last year. I'm determined to have more control over my schedule and my craft this year. I posted my first thoughts on inching in this direction over at

    I love your word. I'm looking forward to the moments you share.

  6. Thankful is my word. I just finished Leaving Gees Bend and I am thankful you wrote about that time and a place.


Your thoughts?