
Thursday, February 9, 2012


When I chose "fierce" as my one little word for 2012, I didn't know why. I had no grand plan in mind, no real vision for how the word would impact my life. I just liked the word. And that mystery, I think, is part of what drew me to it.

So now it's February, and I've been been reading like a Cookie Monster. Ever time I see the word "fierce" in print, wind chimes tinkle in my head. And when I encounter an especially fierce character, it's like a tornado siren.

Which is why I'm writing today: I met a girl name Puck in a book called THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater. Maybe you've heard of it, as it recently earned a Printz Honor Award.

The whole book is fierce, not just Puck. But especially Puck.

Read it. It will make you FEEL.

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