
Friday, February 3, 2012


1. February means flowers in Alabama!

2. I posted today at Smack Dab in the Middle on the theme of "Things We (Writers) Love."

3. Anyone seen THE GREY with Liam Neeson? Ever since reading THE WHITE DARKNESS, I've been on a cold kick. This movie looks promising.....

4. After exercising restraint throughout January, I'm going to the fabric store today! My sister gave me a smooth, well-loved sheet set she wants to use as backing for a quilt. Which means I get to choose coordinates for the front. (The sheet has a tropical fish print with all sorts of vibrant color, so I'm excited!)

5. It's Poetry Friday! Roundup is at The Iris Chronicles. My days lately have been especially poetry-filled as I continue my latest poetry project... and I had that poetry reading... and I've been working on another assignment for Storyworks... and thinking about National Poetry Month, which will be here in a jiffy. Good stuff!

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing THE GREY on Saturday with my son. I've heard that it is good, and that it is a good idea to wear a hat and gloves to the theatre, just because of the atmosphere of the film. Coincidentally, my fiancee, who lives in northern Ontario, was out running yesterday on a plowed road through forestland, and on her way back to her car, she found wolf tracks pacing the footprints she'd left just minutes before....

  2. Sounds like you are surrounded by color, Irene - well, except for THE GREY part. ;0) Did you see Ruth's post for PF today? Full of spirited, colorful flowers:


Your thoughts?