
Sunday, July 15, 2012


On my most recent visit to Florence, Alabama, the lovely Amy showed us around Animal House, a rescue shelter for exotic animals where she volunteers. 

We saw lots of tigers, including Tara (left).

 We also saw Amy play with a tiger -- when she ran around the enclosure, one of the tigers came out of hiding to "stalk" her.

We also met Hershey the bear:

a lemur:

a genet (how gorgeous is that coat?):

a wolf (gotta love those peepers):

and my very favorite of the day, a lion named Simba. I have NEVER been so close to a lion. I really could not get over how large he is. Those paws are as big as my head! Amy said we could pet him through the fence, but you know, I really didn't need to get any closer than I already was. They don't call 'em King of Beasts for nothing, folks. This one seemed more Aslan to me than anything.

Soon our guide Amy will be off to Maine where she is seeking a degree that will allow her to work with exotic animals ALL THE TIME. She loves elephants best. We're going to miss you, Amy! Can't wait to hear about your new adventures. xo


  1. it was a fun day but gosh it was hot..
    Amy will be missed but the little bird needs to leave the nest.

  2. SO HOT. And see, these pictures don't show that at all! I'm glad we did it.


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