
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I posted today over at Smack Dab in the Middle on the topic of fireworks.

Find out:

the best fireworks I ever saw

something about fireworks that makes the poet in me giddy

what I prefer instead of fireworks

what Katy Perry has to do with it

I totally want that umbrella Katy is posing with! It so fits my Japanese inspired FIERCE theme for 2012! About which I really need to write an update... since I've only written one update, and that was way back of February 9. 'bout now??

Truth is, I'm feeling a bit like a FIERCE failure... NEED MORE FIERCE.

Readers, do you have any ideas/suggestions for me?


  1. Oh, I love that word/theme - FIERCE.
    My theme this year has been 'slow and steady.' Can I be slow, steady, AND fierce? I like the thought of that.
    I'd focus not on failure, but on what has been fierce so far this year.
    Maybe writing that update will help you see the fierce points.

    1. Thank you, Sheri. I definitely think you can be slow and steady AND fierce. Perhaps that's what's hanging me up: fierce makes me think of grand acts. Maybe I am being fierce is small, less visible ways? Something to think about... thanks!

    2. Being fierce is about courage, right? It's an interesting word choice.

      It's also about the appearance of strength and bravery...(or hotness, as Tyra Banks might explain).

  2. Fierce to me means fearlessness. Or at least a willingness to not be stopped by one's fears...

  3. The fierce member of a pack is usually the most timid... this outward performance hides a pounding heart and the snarling teeth and warning stance are the signs of a promise that they will overcome their fears to reach their goal... to defend the pack or to finish ... rewrite or whatever a manuscript... be that timid wolf and be fierce.

  4. love the word fierce! I want to join you. More fierce!
    get a new hair cut
    eat watermelon while naked
    go see Magic Mike
    wear toe socks
    finally buy a scarf for this new scarf fad that seems to be catching on (Yes, yes indeed. I just bought myself a white SCARF)
    kiss your dog on the lips
    write a sappy love song for hubby
    watch an ant carry something. never gets old


Your thoughts?