
Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Cheers may have been the place where "everybody knows your name," but Pat's is where you never come home empty-handed.

This trip we came home with a number of wonderful things, including Pat's childhood volume of Black Beauty. Her mother read it to her when she was small. And I LOVE IT! Will cherish it forever and ever.

We also came home with a new kitten. AS IF WE NEEDED A NEW KITTEN. But isn't he adorable? How could we possibly resist?? We're calling him Bobby, in honor of Paul's mother Bobbie, whom we loved and adored and miss every day. (Our other cat is Maggie, who is named for my grandmother, whom we also loved and adored and miss every day.)

And hey, why not double or dog population, too?? We brought home a stray named Rosie (who may get renamed, we just haven't thought of it yet-- and needs a forever home) as a temporary playmate for Ruby. Rosie is a Border Collie (left). Ruby is an Australian Shepherd (right). But don't they make a cute pair? After Ruby's nub of a tail, it's fun to watch Rosie's wide tail wagging. Also, she grins all the time. Cute.

Finally, I have to share the edible goodness Pat packed up for me to bring home to hubby:

Now THAT, friends, is southern hospitality. And SO MUCH MORE. Pat, you inspire me to be more generous and giving. Thank you for your friendship! xo


  1. Lovely to hear about such a good friend! You brought home longer lasting gifts than usual! A kitten and a dog! Wow-Irene. One of my granddogs is a cattle dog-terrific dogs!

  2. Hope y'all enjoy all of the garden is looking so much better. Canning tomatoes today


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