
Monday, September 10, 2012


Fantastic trip filled with some of the things I love best: books, seafood, salty air, great people, history, sun-dappled walks, inspiring stories.

This picture I took at the Naples dock just before a lovely breezy on-the-water supper with new friends might be my favorite.

I was so glad to have a little time just for myself, especially after a stressful couple of weeks getting boys back in school. I loved the Collier County Museum, with its indoor and five acres of outdoor displays. Stories were everywhere!

I took lots of pictures... how 'bout this Seminole war fort? And hello, how come I didn't know the U.S. government got into all sorts of debt funding not one, but THREE Seminole wars? Clearly I did not live in Florida long enough, or during the right years, to get that Florida history. Fascinating!

A HUGE highlight was getting to meet the library ladies at Golden Gate High School, who went all-out to welcome me with a program that included the presentation of a poem, a student singing a Whitney Houston song, delicious sandwiches and cupcakes from the culinary staff, quilts, and so much LOVE I felt like I was among lifelong friends. Thank you, students and staff and most especially Veronica, Yireldi and Eileen (who made a Ludelphia doll! wait till you see!)

And oh my goodness, the QUILTS! There must have been a dozen of them on display, each with a story to tell. I did my best to take pictures of each. They deserve a blog post all their own! Here's me with some young literacy volunteers with the dynamic, amazing Karen from K is for Kids Foundation. Y'all, there are people in the world doing some really good things. Karen is one of them.

And what to say about #siba12? I loved seeing booksellers I've worked with previously as well as ones who were new to me. I also loved meeting all sorts of authors and was thrilled to run into Sharon Cameron, tireless SCBWI-Midsouth volunteer whose debut novel THE DARK UNWINDING is on shelves now! Yes, I got myself a signed copy. Congratulations, Sharon! And definitely click on her name - one of the coolest websites ever!
Finally, here's a picture of the middle grade panel: Ellis Weiner, moi, the lovely, busy! Shannon Messenger, Kelly (our fearless moderator who operates Fountain Bookstore in Richmond, VA) and Adam-Troy Castro. I had special fun during our signing getting to know the guys, both of whom have long written for adult audiences and are now writing for children. Keep 'em coming, fellas!

And, well, that's not all...but it's all for now. Thanks so much for sharing the adventure with me!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a really lovely time, Irene. I'm looking forward to more about those gorgeous quilts. Thank you for sharing so much.


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