
Thursday, October 18, 2012


Happy Poetry Friday, and welcome to Roundup! To celebrate Tuesday's release of my new novel DON'T FEED THE BOY, which is set at a zoo, I invited 2012 Kidlit Progressive Poem participants to help create a group zoo poem!

The instructions were simple: choose a favorite zoo animal and write a rhyming couplet about that animal.

All I did was collect the couplets and do the slightest bit of arranging and editing.... for instance, I chose Linda Baie's couplet to start the poem because she's the only one who included the word "zoo" and that places our poem. I added some punctuation. I changed a couple of couplets from past tense to present, as the vast majority of couplets were written in present tense and that should be consistent throughout a poem. 

For the ending couplet, I chose Mary Lee's, because she brought us back to "one," which gives the poems something of a narrative arc. I selected the title that I am sure can be improved upon... and that's it! Enjoy these lovely couplets with all their originality and fun. 

And THANK YOU, friends, for playing. (I hope I didn't miss anyone... I changed email after I made the request, so if I did happen to miss yours, please post in comments and I will add it!) Y'all inspire me!

Animal Encounter

Arriving at the giraffes, I stretch my neck high at the zoo.
Meeting face to face as friends, however, proves difficult to do.     Linda Baie

Seals slip into their watery home
sail like an arrow, smooth as stone.     Caroline Starr Rose

The anteater announces, “I am one
who’ll eat an army just for fun."          Penny Klostermann

Watch your pockets! The goats
eat not just food, but coats!                Jeannine Atkins

On llama duty? Do not sit!
(These camel-cousins love to spit.)     Miranda Paul

Koala sleeps the day away,
but at night he likes to play.               Anastasia Suen

Ring-tailed lemur climbs a tree;
tail for balance, not trapeze.              Pat Weaver

He cannot fly, but he sure can run;
watching Emu is a lot of fun!                 Linda Kulp

Smooth and graceful, polar bear
glides then floats, nose in the air.         Sheri Doyle

Few creatures have the knack
of climbing mountains like the Yak.   Doraine Bennett

In Golden Marmoset City,
vine highways are always busy.          Tabatha Yeatts

Tamarins all wear
an abundance of hair.                     Dian Mayr

Elephant waves good-bye with her trunk.
Will she forget me? Oh no, I thunk.                Marjorie at Paper Tigers

Capybara goes to tea,
Wears a tiara designed by me.       Jone MacCulloch

Up periscope in a green, green sea--
giraffe turns his head to nibble leaves.             Kate Coombs

This python wrapped around my hand
will one day  s - t - r - e  -t - c - h  the length I stand.         Robyn Hood Black

Peacock spreads his tail.  Surprise!
A feather-ocean....full of eyes.                 Amy Ludwig VanDerwater

The rhino is my talisman.
We're brave; we're each a herd of one.      Mary Lee Hahn

- Poetry Friday Friends

Please leave your link with Mr. Linky! Thank you.


  1. Hi there Irene! Thanks so much for hosting this week. Your email about this poetry event landed on my Spam folder unfortunately, so we weren't able to join this time around. :( It's lovely seeing almost all our Poetry Friends in this post. :)

    1. Myra, I am so sorry that happened! If you get inspired to write a zoo animal couplet, please send it and I will add it to the poem! xo

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for bringing in the seals, Caroline. Lovely! xo

  3. What a great idea for a collaborative poem, Irene! Congrats to you on your new book and to all your Couplettes on this wild "Animal Encounter!"

    We've posted a tribute to Felix Baumgartner the space jumper @ The Bald Ego blog

  4. Oh, this turned out to be such fun! Thanks for coordinating, Irene, and congratulations again on DON'T FEED THE BOY.

    I've got a short post with a link to my new art blog, where this week I'm giving away a copy of EVERY SECOND SOMETHING HAPPENS - POEMS FOR THE MIND AND SENSES, selected by Christine San José and Bill Johnson and illustrated by my blog guest Melanie Hall.

  5. I swear this poem reads like one person wrote it... very interesting how many muses can quilt together a artful blend... did you get it... quilt... heeeeheeeha... my poetic muse has a sense of humor

    1. I love your muse's sense of humor. Thank you for adding a ring-tailed lemur to our adventure! xo

  6. What a terrific concept for a poem - it worked very well. And congratulations again on the book! Today, my post includes a link to the Young Adult Review Network, who are using one of my poems to jumpstart a contest they're having!
    Thank you for hosting!

    1. How wonderful, Matt! I look forward to reading. Thanks for stopping by, and if you decide to write your own animal couplet, send it and I will add to the post! xo

  7. Exciting times, and words, Irene! The poem did come together so well! Congratulations again. My book should be here soon! I have written this week about our staff retreat last week and some poems shared that day. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thank you, Linda! And I need to tell you I have had problems this week accessing your blog. A big malware warning pops up and won't let me open?! I've been missing your wonderful posts... will see what I can do on my end, but wanted you to know. Thanks for opening our zoo poem! xo

    2. I haven't been able to get blogger to tell me why this happens. It only seems to happen when one accesses through Google Chrome. Sorry it's happening! Thanks for trying.

  8. Congratulations on the book Irene! And like everyone else has said, the poem is seamless. Very nice all!

    My offering this week is a little ditty called Migration that I wrote after being delayed for a bit at the airport.

    Violet N.

    1. Oh, I am looking forward to your ditty... thanks for stopping by, Violet! xo

  9. Great collaborative poem. What fun couplets and animals.
    Thanks for hosting Poetry Friday this week.
    Thanks to Tabatha Yeatts, (she inspired me to get out my watercolors)--I have an illustrated Halloween poem up today at

    1. Thank you, Joy! Yay for illustrations. I love it when art inspires other art. Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Great experiment, Irene!

    Thanks for hosting the round-up - I left my link with Mr. Linky. I'm feeling a bit political over at The Drift Record this week.

    1. Indeed, Julie, it is a time to feel political, isn't it? Thanks for stopping by. xo

  11. HUZZAH for the book and WOO-HOO for the poem! What fun! Thanks for including us in your celebration!!

    1. Thank you, Mary Lee! celebrations should always include poets and poetry, don't you think?! Love that rhino.... xo

  12. Hi, Irene. Happy book birthday to you! Robyn's python made me laugh.

    I have an interview with YA author Catherine Reef, who is an excellent biography of literary figures and others. It's her book birthday too! Next week, The Bronte Sisters: The Brief Lives of Charlotte, Emily and Anne hits bookstores. I *loved* learning more about the authors of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights -- two favorites.

    1. Thank you, Laura! Robyn's python made me laugh too. :)

  13. What a fabulous idea to celebrate your new book with a collaborative poem. Congrats! Everyone wrote such wonderful couplets :).

    I'm going a little cuckoo over J. Patrick Lewis's new book, If You Were a Chocolate Mustache, over at Alphabet Soup. Cookies, cupcakes and candy bars for all!

    Thanks for hosting today. What a fun post!

    1. If only we had an animal couplet from YOU, Jama! If you feel inspired, send it over! Meanwhile I will come by and check out cuckoo you. xo

  14. What a fun poem--I feel like I just had the best field trip ever!

    I'm in with a J. Patrick Lewis poem from Last Laughs called "Barracuda's Bite-size Demise." Happy Poetry Friday!

    Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thank you Laura for coming on the field trip! xo

  15. Lovely poem - great selection of animals - but no elephant - here's a quickie off the top of my head -

    'Elephant waves good-bye with her trunk.
    Will she forget me? Oh no, I thunk.'

    Hmm - I'm sure someone can come up with something better than that!

    Anyway, over at PaperTigers, we are continuing our 10th Anniversary celebrations and have a fabulous Top 10 (aka Top Reader's 10 - you'll find out why) multicultural poetry books selected by Janet Wong... I'm going to add the link here as well as I'm not sure that it worked properly... I'll try again.

  16. PS I've just reread my comment and realise it comes across as rather rude. My apologies - I did mean to say thank you for hosting AND congratulations on your new book - and I hope you don't mind me crashing your poem party - sorry :-(

    1. You are welcome to the poetry party, Marjorie! Thank you for adding an elephant. And I didn't read your comments as rude at all. Thanks for your link (I see it fine!). Happy day!

    2. Thank you, Irene, that's really kind. I love elephants and got rather excited - and I can't tell you how chuffed I am to see my couplet included among such illustrious company. Wow, wait till my kids get home from school - I've already phoned my husband!

  17. That was a great collaborative poem. I'm surprised there weren't more duplicate animals! Amazing! And congratulations, too!
    Here's my original "Deceptive" poem. Am I being obtuse? Or do you "get it"? If no one does, I guess, it's too obtuse and I'll let you know what it's about by the end of the day. But I'm sure some one out there will know what the poem is about...

  18. Oh no! I said I'd send you a couplet, and then I didn't! I'm so sorry - I plead up to my ears in too many projects! Aw, I would have liked to participate. Please do another soon! :)

    The poem turned out great, didn't it? It's like a walk through the zoo, pointing here and looking there. Totally charming!

    Irene, congrats again on your book launch. I can't wait to read it!

    I am poem-less this week, gearing up for a Poetry Friday Anthology Poet-a-Palooza on Monday -- so stay tuned!

    1. a Poet-a-Palooza! Awesome. And OF COURSE. Renee, you're amazing. xo

  19. Hi, Irene, congrats on the new book and on this wonderful progressive poem celebration! And thanks for hosting Poetry Friday too. Janet and I are highlighting a "myth" poem by Joseph Bruchac from THE POETRY FRIDAY ANTHOLOGY. Look here

    1. Thank you, Sylvia! I added your link. Thinking of you.... xo

  20. What fun! Many congratulations on your book, and thank you for hosting and inviting us all to join in the fun. It is like a Poetry Friday field trip today, and the collaborative poem inspired my own. Thank you for that too! a.

  21. Me too me too me too! I enjoyed the collaborative cruise 'round the zoo (and it reminded me of a zoo book I once meant to write). Congratulations, Irene, on your spanky new book, and thanks for hosting.

    I'm putting together the new "library lounge" room of our new house today, and visiting PF posters when I need a break. : )

    1. Ha! Heidi, how many books do O have that "I once meant to write"? Write 'em, friend! The world needs your words. xo

  22. Congratulations on your new book, Irene!
    I love how "Animal Encounter" turned out. What a fun way to celebrate!

    1. Sheri, thank you for your polar bear! This could be my favorite thing so far related to the new book. So fun to share with all of you. xo

  23. Congratulations on your book! Thank you for hosting and for posting a fun collaborative poem.
    I left my link with Mr. Linky but it doesn't seem to work quite yet. I have an original poem I wrote yesterday while contemplating mailing a manuscript today.
    Happy Poetry Friday!

    1. Yay for original writing! I look forward to reading just as soon as I come up for air. Thank you for stopping by. xo

  24. Irene, I am very sorry I didn't send a couplet. I meant to, but...(insert lots of excuses here, none very interesting, unfortunately...)

    1. Next time, Ruth! I hope you are busy with joyful things. Thanks for stopping by! xo

  25. Irene, What a great way to celebrate a new book, which I'm sending good wishes for on its way into the world. I loved all the surprises and range of animals in the zoo poem!

    1. Jeannine, I love your coat-eating goats! (I have actual experience with goats - no lie, they will eat ANYTHING.) Love to you, friend. xo

  26. Love that Zoo collborative poem! I really want to join in to something like this next time around. So cool!

    1. Thank you, Andi! I definitely want to do more of these. Next time I will be sure to do an open call (I was so pressed for time this go around!). Would love to have your contribution. xo

  27. Great job of arranging the couplets, Irene! I think that it would be fun to play with Magnetic Poetry couplets . . . And I do love this idea of Poetry Friday Field Trips!

    1. Thank you, Janet! I am not sure about what exactly "Magnetic Poetry couplets" are?! You'll have to teach me, oh wise poet.... looking forward to meeting you at NCTE! :)

    2. Well, Magnetic Poetry Couplets don't exist yet, to my knowledge--so you're right to be confused about it! Instead of arranging Magnetic Poetry words, a person would find a bunch of couplets stuck on a wall and would arrange them (as you did with these animal couplets). Or, if not couplets, 3-7 word phrases or lines would be put on the magnetic pieces.

  28. Congratulations on the new book, Irene...just placed my order for it, and can't wait to be holding it in my own hands!

    1. Eep! Thank you Tara! I'm excited to hear what you think/feel about Whit & Stella. xo

  29. Thank you for hosting this week. I have 5 new ones up, like every week:

    "Learning to Skate" ( in which there is never enough padding.

    "Oatmeal" ( regarding why I need to learn to cook.

    "Tooth Fairy" ( wherein we guess at the whims of the dental hoarder.

    "Too Tired" ( where I have not enough energy.

    "Don't Be Fooled" ( because ladybugs are nefarious.

    1. How inspiring, all these poems! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  30. Oh, and here's a couplet:

    The possum croaked, it's sad but true,
    unless he was just fooling you.

    1. Thank you so much, Samuel! (smart little possum!)

  31. Congratulations on the release of your book! What a fun way to celebrate. I've had a mind's-eye visit to the zoo. Some couplets struck me with images of beauty; many others made me laugh.

    1. Yes, Karin, lots of beauty and lots of laughs. Isn't that the way it is at the zoo too? :) Thank you for stopping by!

  32. Irene,

    Congratulations on the publication of your book! Thanks for doing the roundup this week.

    At Wild Rose Reader, I have two poems that would be great to share on Halloween--one by Willaim Shakespeare and one by children's poet David McCord. I also have links to pages with Halloween poems at the website of The Academy of American Poets.

    1. Thank you, Elaine! Yay for Halloween poems... I will get by to read them. xo

  33. Congratulations on your new book! Love the poem, what a fun idea.

    1. Thank you, Catherine! Perhaps next time you can join us? xo

  34. Thanks for inviting me to participate, Irene! I can't wait to share your book with my readers!

    1. Thank you, Anastasia! I appreciate you being a part of. And I hope your readers enjoy Whit & Stella. Also, yay for Cybils discussions! Looking forward to it. xo

  35. Irene,
    Such a fun collaborative poem! I can't wait to see your book. I'm also looking forward to our upcoming Cybils discussions.

    Thanks so much for hosting!

    1. Thank you, Tricia! I am excited about Cybils talk too. xo

  36. Thanks for hosting and congratulations on your new book!

  37. Hi Irene! Thanks for hosting! Just got back from taking my daughter on a college visit and I'm whipped. I sent you a couple of couplets way back when you first asked. Have a great weekend

    1. So sorry I missed the email! Up now -- and what a lovely addition, the marmosets. Well done, and thank you, friend! xo

  38. Irene, thank you for hosting. I love how the poem turned out. Jone

    1. Jone, I love it too! Thank you so much for your capybara contribution. xo

  39. Irene...I love the poem. You did such a fantastic job. I had fun participating!

    Congratulations on your book!

  40. I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. Toledo Zoo


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