
Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Every year I select one little word to be a guiding light for my year. In the past, I have chosen words like CELEBRATE and LISTEN and in 2012, FIERCE.

You probably noticed right away that these are all imperatives and adjectives.

Me, on the other hand -- I never noticed that until I started compiling a list of possible words for 2013. And that's when it struck me: my feelings of failure about "fierce" were related to the expectation and pressure in that word. Because it's an adjective, I felt like all my experiences should somehow measure up to that word. And, well, all my experienced didn't measure up to that word.

So this year I'm trying something different. The word I've chosen is one that suits my poet's soul. It's rich with possibilities and metaphor and is wide-open.


And the word is...........


Also new this year, I will be sharing sky pics and quotes on a regular basis -- starting with this one, from one of my most favorite musicians:

"Sky sky sky, can't see it all at once"  -- Ben Sollee

Here a video so you can hear Ben sing it:


  1. Interesting how some choose different parts of speech. I've only done it once. last year, & it was a noun, & now I'm toying with another noun. I think you might be right about adjectives-lots of pressure in their descriptive powers. I'll look for your 'sky' work this year, Irene!

    1. Nouns are good and solid, Linda. Wishing you a happy happy 2013!

  2. My word for this year is going to be planted... in my writing, my goals for this year, in each day to take a few minutes for me. Sounds very self-centered but it's about time I planted these ideas in my head.

  3. Irene, I'd like to know why you chose the word, "sky." It's vast, unpredictable, beautiful at times menacing. It makes me toy with the word, insignificant. Then again, this feeling could be the leftover New Years cabbage I had.


Your thoughts?