
Wednesday, March 13, 2013


If ever you find your way to L.A. (Lower Alabama), you gotta go to Page & Palette Book Store in Fairhope, Alabama. It's exactly the experience we book lovers crave: friendly, knowledgeable staff; great selection; a beehive of activity; passionate book lovers everywhere! I even saw one of my favorite Nashville (that's right -- Nashville! Which is oh, about 8 hours away...) writers Kory Wells there with her uber-talented daughter Kelsey promoting their new CD "A Decent Pan of Cornbread." Give it a listen!

And look at my gal Ludelphia right there on the Staff Picks shelf, along with several on my soon-TBR list!

And now for a little behind the scenes action. See this shelf marked "ARCS"?
Well. It's tucked away behind a curtain. We only got to see it because Keifer Wilson who runs the store with his wife Karin invited us to come take a look. He said he saves those for Serious Readers. Which, of course, we are! And yes, we each came home with a stack. So excited to read!!!

Here's Keifer in action. He knows all the sections of the store and has recommendations for everyone.

And just what is Keifer recommending these days?
THE DINNER by Herman Koch

Here it is close up. And here is the NY Times review.


  1. It was so well stocked to be a small local bookstore. Loved it.

  2. I just ordered The Dinner, so glad to hear it had such a ringing endoresement!

  3. Looks like a wonderful bookstore, Irene. They are lucky in Fairehope! Glad to see your book up there on the shelf!


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