
Monday, October 7, 2013

Movie Monday: RUSH

Paul and I were planning to see either DON JON or THE SPECTACULAR NOW when we unexpectedly had an opportunity to go out with all the boys, so.... we saw RUSH instead!

I confess to not being all that excited about this movie, only because we had previously seen an excellent documentary, and I remembered pretty much everything about the story.

But. I loved the movie! A great story is a great story is a great story. I love thinking about how we calculate risk and about what drives us. The competitive spirit is so much a part of the human experience, and while not all of us race F-1 cars, the same emotions develop.

At one point, I leaned over and asked our youngest son who he was rooting for. When he said, "Niki Lauda," I was thrilled. Lauda's the quiet one, the one who lived the steady life and competed, but only to a certain degree. He did not sacrifice his life for the sport -- and came back after tragedy to overcome tremendous odds. And yes, while James Hunt is exciting and oh so delicious to watch, you just know it can't come to a good end.

I'm thinking James Hunt would be a pantser and Niki Lauda a plotter. Guess what I am. :)
The real Hunt and Lauda

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