
Friday, January 3, 2014

One Little Word for 2014

Wow, is it really the first Poetry Friday of 2014?? Be sure to visit Betsy at I Think in Poems for Roundup.

Sometime in December I started a list of possible words. I wrote them down, and one by one, tried them on. I wasn't sure which word to choose until I viewed a post at Tabatha's blog, The Opposite of Indifference. When I read and listened to O Magnum Mysterium, I knew instantly what word on my shortlist was THE one:


Thank you, Tabatha!

Some synonyms for mystery: puzzle, conundrum, riddle, secret, problem, enigma

While I don't have any concrete expectations for how this word will exist in my life during 2014, I am feeling "mystery" on a deep, spiritual level. I want to be open to mystery, I want to find beauty there and not place my focus on solving anything. Kind of like Emily Dickinson's dwelling in possibility, I want to Dwell in Mystery.

I want to read more mysteries, too. It's never been a favorite genre -- I'm not sure why. Maybe this year I will discover as I open myself to all the possibilities.

When I think about mysteries I have enjoyed, I think of WHERE'S WALDO and I SPY books. Also, Gollum's riddles in THE HOBBIT. My siblings and I watched the animated version of that movie over and over... and you know what, I find it far more enjoyable that the recent in-the-theater incarnation.

And then there's MASQUERADE by Kit Williams. The one with the riddles that told the location of an actual jewel in the art and the text? My sis and I worked so hard to solve the riddle! Here's a wee riddle from the text:

"What is nothing on the outside,
And nothing on the inside,
Is lighter than a feather,
But ten men cannot pick it up?"


                                                          The answer:
photo from Wikipedia commons


  1. Oooh, Irene. "Mystery" is an enchanted and marvelous word, one that opens you up to the universe! This is the first year I have chosen a word for the year, and it is "lighthearted." I look forward to laughing and discovering with you in 2014, my friend.

    1. Amy the Lighthearted. That's how I am going to think of you this year. xo

  2. Love this quote: "like Emily Dickinson's dwelling in possibility, I want to Dwell in Mystery." By embracing the mysterious within and without yourself, it seems like you will open up subtlety, intricacy, and Emily's possibility, too. It will be fun to see where it takes you!

    1. Thank YOU, Tabatha! Your blog is a place for me to be in touch with mystery. I appreciate you! xo

  3. I'm picking OLW for the first time this year. I, too, played around with/tried on several words before deciding on one. I think I'm going to like mine. There are lots of different ways to think about it.

    Have fun unfolding your MYSTERY!

    1. Mary Lee, for wordlovers like us, it is near impossible to whittle the whole dictionary to just one word! BUT. That's sorta what makes it so special. xo

  4. In thinking back on your word, "sky", I am intrigued by what will happen this year, Irene, with "mystery". It does open up many possibilities. For wonderful literary reads: Dorothy Sayers mysteries! Best to you for a very good year!

    1. Thank you, Linda! Adding Dorothy Sayers to the library list... wishing you a wonderful 2014 as well.xo

  5. I love reading about these OLW journeys. Even more, I love the inspiration for your word, Irene - my husband and children sang this together in our church choir many a Christmas, such a powerful piece. Happy New Year - may your mystery unfold its many delights and joys.

    1. Tara, that piece slays me! Thank you for sharing your choir experience. Happy 2014 to you as well!

  6. I can't wait to see where "mystery" leads you this year. So often when I've read your poems in STORYWORKS, I've sensed some mystery in them so I think this is going to be a really good word for you. I've chosen a OLW too, but my blog post for PF was already pretty long this week, so I'll share it next week. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Linda! I am excited to learn about your word. I appreciate so much your continued support... happy 2014 to you too! And hey: send me more of your wonderful poems!

  7. Perfect word choice, Irene - and just look at the mystery in that bubble! I think you'll go interesting places with "mystery."

    1. Thank you, Julie -- I love that bubble too! And I am excited about "mystery." Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Great word choice--I love the idea of dwelling in mystery.

  9. What a wonderful and intriguing word to chew on over the course of a year! I look forward to seeing where it takes you, Irene. I have no doubt it will be an inspiring journey.

  10. Great choice! Can't wait to see what happens!

  11. Mystery can take you in so many directions. Will be looking forward to what your year of MYSTERY reveals.

    Violet N.

  12. For me, mystery has connotations of glamor and wit, so it fits you perfectly!

  13. A wonderful word! I have enjoyed "sky" so much, and have been much more aware of the glories there because of your one little word. My new year blessing: May the greatest mysteries become your treasures in the coming year.

  14. So intriguing! Thanks for sharing another glorious word and for inviting us to tag along.


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