
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Winter Wonder in the Winn Dixie Parking Lot

Today's installment of Wonderful World Wednesday comes live from our local Winn Dixie, where my 17 year old son works as a bagger/parking lot attendee. He worked Monday night as record-low temperatures were setting in, and he said he felt like a popsicle. He also said he was re-thinking this whole recent obsession he's had with snowboarding.

And he showed me a pair of gloves. And a scarf. Neither of which he had taken to work with him in the first place.

They were gifts, he explained. From random strangers. People buying groceries who saw him in the parking lot and knew they had what he needed. He said it made the night more fun than playing video games, which, if you know my son, is saying A LOT.

To those folks who saw a kid in need and did something about it: thank you. I promise to pay it forward.

What a Wonderful World!


  1. Love your story, and hope the cold wasn't too bad. I know those of you in the south were hit hard. My grandson in Lubbock, TX had 11 degrees one am! He has a coat because he skis here, but says many of his friends don't have those heavier coats.

  2. ahhh life lessons ... they smack you down but then they kiss it better
    He learned things on Monday you could and have taught him but he'll remember that day forever because of the actions that happened, good and bad.

  3. Your son was blessed by total strangers taking an interest in the welfare of a young man....not all people are bad!

  4. How wonderful! It's the simple things that make life so good.
    Thanks for sharing and letting others know that their kindness is noticed and appreciated. It's amazing. In our local paper, every now and then you will see a letter to the editor thanking an anonymous giver. It does warm the heart.

  5. Wow! Love to hear stories like that!!


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