
Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Sound of Poetry Friday

my father reading to my oldest brother (first child)
Hello and Happy Poetry Friday from the Land of Spring Break! Be sure to visit the ever-inspiring (early bird!) Mary Lee at A Year of Reading for  Roundup.

Ever since I was wee, I have loved listening to poetry -- I was so lucky to have a father who read poetry to me. He still reads poetry to me. So it should come as no surprise that I am really loving SoundCloud. 

In the past couple of weeks I have recorded something every day -- about half of my own poems and half poems written by others. My goal is to record the poems from all of my published collections as well, as other favorites not by me.

Poetry Friday regular Amy Ludwig VanDerwater already has an impressive library on SoundCloud, and Laura Purdie Salas is steadily building hers.... so we decided to create a Poetry Friday SoundCloud page! We invite you to join us by listening and adding your own sound contributions. There is something so special about hearing the voices of Poetry Friday friends... I really hope you will check it out.

To get us started, I recorded our Progressive Poems from 2012 and 2013. I'm very excited to get our 2014 version started on Tuesday! Meanwhile, hope you enjoy these recordings:


  1. What a fabulous idea! I will definitely be checking it out later! I only wish I felt comfortable listening to myself read out loud...

    1. Lord, can I relate to that. does get easier, though.

  2. THese are so lovely, Irene! So sorry that my comment didn't go through for the 2014 signup, but I'll look forward to seeing the final collaborative product!

  3. Terrific idea. When I find my courage I'll try to contribute!

  4. Wow! I admire your effort. I think about this from time to time, but my recorded voice sounds horrid to me. I'll have to work on it. I also love Amy VW collection!

  5. I loved listening to both poems, Irene. Your voice sound wonderful & clear! What a treat it will be to hear others read their poems.

  6. Irene, what a terrific idea! It's amazing to me how I always find something new to appreciate in a poem when it's read aloud. And you're so right about how special it is to hear voices from PF friends! Yours is just lovely. I will definitely make a point of contributing something to the soundcloud page this month. Not sure what yet, but something.

  7. Oh this is so beautiful Irene. Love listening to your voices! Perhaps I can add one or two in the future. Love reading poems out loud. :)


Your thoughts?