
Monday, July 7, 2014

Japanese Woman, Reading

Every couple of months, I visit a favorite antique mall in Chelsea, Alabama, which is just a dozen miles or so from my house. 

Two visits in a row, I spied the above piece -- a Japanese woman with a book in her hands. It's printed on some kind of fabric, and each time I saw it, I just stood there for a while looking at it. 

I love it. I want to know this woman's story. And while I may not look like her on the outside, I AM THIS WOMAN. 

But. I have no wall space. Our walls are covered up in special art already. So I left the antique store without the piece, but also remembering something my mother-in-law told me years ago: incorporating Eastern decor in the home brings good luck. (Does it? I don't know. But I sure am drawn to it.)

Last week I visited the antique mall again -- and guess what was still there?? Yep. So this time I brought her home. Third time's a charm and all that. :) 

I love her! I'm still deciding the perfect spot for her, and what will have to be taken down to accommodate our new guest. Decisions, decisions...

moral to the story: when it comes to art, if it speaks to you, LISTEN!


Your thoughts?