
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Election Day Poem & an Open Letter #bloglikecrazy

Election Day

Sift through promises,
replay interviews;

step inside the booth.
Forget scripted speeches,

and candy-wrapped slogans.
Weigh again each pro

and con. Remember
the teeming world,

its people who dream
of freedom--

so many denied
the right to decide.

Read the names,
imagine a future;

make the best choice.
In the space between breaths

your voice is heard
without a word.

- Irene Latham

...and the #bloglikecrazy prompt today from Javacia Bowser is Write a letter to your younger self. I want to do that. I will do that. Tomorrow. Today, please accept a link to the prompt for tomorrow (see, I'm just switching things up!): Write an open letter to someone you need to thank. One of my favorite posts I've ever written is an open letter: DEAR JULIUS LESTER. Enjoy! Meanwhile, I'm adding the open letter prompt to my priority list for 2015. Perhaps monthly?? Hmmm...


  1. Regular open letters is a great idea! Love your poem. My 13yo is volunteering at a polling place as I type this (she's a "Future Vote Ambassador").

  2. Love the poem, too, Irene "your voice is heard/without a word". I like the idea of an open letter, perhaps for students to do for Thanksgiving? Thanks for all!


Your thoughts?