
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

O, Sweet Voiced May!

May has been a lovely month so far, full of all kinds of special events. Here's a sampling!

Here I am reading at the Clubhouse on Highland as part of InSpero's Magic City Storytellers event. I was one of several amazing artists, and I shared 5 poems, including "Self-Portrait as a Country Road," which I wrote last month as part of my ARTSPEAK! project. One thing I loved about this event was the inclusion of music. Maybe one of these days I will be good enough at the cello to bring it on stage with me. :) Big thanks to Charlie Ritch for inviting me to participate in this lovely, inspiring evening. And thanks to son Eric for snapping this shot. 

This is a picture from an SCBWI Schmooze about "Sailing the Self-Publishing Boat" led by a former "Rosie" Dr. Frances Tunnel Carter (who also founded the American Rosie the Riveter Association) and her daughter Nell Branum. What a nice turnout we had!

Here I am with some enthusiastic readers in Mrs. Beavers class at Inverness Elementary School. Mrs. Beavers and Mrs. Price read LEAVING GEE'S BEND with their students every year and invite me to come talk with their students about Ludelphia and my experiences as a writer. What a great group!

This is a picture of some of my favorite fellas! They are all dressed up to perform at ASFA's graduation ceremonies at The Alabama Theater. In just 3 years, we'll be watching THESE guys graduate. Wow!

...more of my favorite fellas! We were thrilled to have Papa visit for a few days on his way to Florida. Here is is with Eric and Andrew. We spent our time sharing stories and sharing meals and enjoying one another. Papa and I also had a very productive trip to the Hoover Library bookstore where he stocked up on favorite authors for a buck a book!

Here I am with authors Roger Reid and Claire Datnow at the Green Ribbon Schools annual picnic. Congratulations to this year's winners: Auburn University, Lincoln Elementary, Lincoln High, and Bluff Park Elementary! This is one of my favorite events all year -- I love hanging out with educators who go above and beyond... especially when we share a passion for environmental preservation. I had fun sharing with them about my current and forthcoming books!

I also had the great privilege to Skype with some of Mary Lee Hahn's students who had read LEAVING GEE'S BEND. They had such great questions, and were so engaged and engaging! But the thing that struck me most was their obvious love for their teacher. Who doesn't love Mary Lee?! (Lucky kids!)
Finally I want to share with you a pic of Andrew who is newly graduated from high school! Woohoo! He's posing here on the floor with the t-shirt quilt I made for him out of his high school t-shirts. He loved the quilt, which was a thrill for me. (Those of you who enjoy gifting original crafts/quilt/art, you know how special it is when the item gifted seems to really be appreciated. Priceless!)

What May adventures have you enjoyed? I'd love to hear about them!


  1. This visit in photos is fun & it's sweet to see a devoted mom enjoying her month of May.

    Hope I can hear you speak some day. And where in FL is your dear reader headed? We are in No. FL which most southbound guests whiz thru.

    My school visits went so well, too.
    And since you asked, May is simple & soothing here.
    Gulf of Mexico walks (this is a special trip we take - we are landlocked.)
    1st ever oil painting class (outdoors in a seaside village with a wonderful artist whose work I admire
    every day my hubby & I checking on bigger Myer lemons and fatter figs on our trees plus appreciations for the blooms emerging on our eggplants in our small yard gardens.
    And, writing going well - an adventure with the character.

    More skippy days to you in May, Irene.

  2. That was an awesome post. So much going on in your life, great memories being planted

  3. That was an awesome post. So much going on in your life, great memories being planted


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