
Friday, May 29, 2015

Ten-Second Rainshowers: Poems by Young People compiled by Sandford Lyne

Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit ever-inspiring Margaret at Reflections on the Teche for Roundup.

While husband and I vacationed at Georgia's Golden Isles, we visited several thrift shops on St. Simon's Island. At one of them I picked up TEN-SECOND RAINSHOWERS: Poems by Young People compiled by Sandford Lyne, illustrations by Virginia Halstead. It's an oldie - published back in 1996. But, oh, my, what treasures! The book is divided into 6 sections and includes poems from 130 students, ages 8-18. Here's a sampling (warning: at least one of these will break your heart):


The whole class is talking
There's nothing to do
I guess I will sit here and

- Adam Cooke, grade 3


I walked through the empty kitchen
to the door,
to leave the warmth of home
for the bitter-cold anxiety of
a Monday at school.
Ducking the old dogwood outside,
I heard a familiar call,
and turned to see my mother
waving me off to school,
sending me a small fire
to keep my heart a little warmer.

-Richard Furst, Grade 10

When My Mom Died

When my mom died
I was like the winter
With only a young pine growing
Just the pine and a stump of a great poem

-James Powell, grade 8


The cow lay basking in the sun
as nearby flowers swayed.
A mouse scuttled by
in search of a little something to eat.
Each spoke to the field
without saying a word.

-Ivana Perkinson, grade 8


The creek is my friend
it talks to me by
falling over the rocks,
but the sun also
likes my friend
and likes to take
him in the sky

- Scott Denson, grade 7

Who Am I?

I am like a gate
without a name.
I am like stars making something.
I wish
I could be like other children,
but I am just a dud.
I want to be
like horses that have names.

-Jacob Mayes, grade 4

I Saw Myself

I think I am in love
For I am drawing violets.
I feel this joy within my soul.
And yesterday I saw myself in the river
And for the first time
I smiled.

- Karen Navarez, grade 4

A Boat of Blue

I will hop in a boat of blue
And drive through the marsh.
The cool breeze will gently brush
  against my face.
My thoughts will be like honey
  on biscuits,
And jam on toast.
Except for the little vroom of the motor,
There will be silence.
It will be summer,
when horseflies bite your toes.
I will be the king of my quiet place.

- Glenn Hoffman, grade 5

On the Road to God

On the road to God I see a cow from
  the pasture.
There's a willow tree on the road to God.
There's a gentle shower on the road
  to God.
It feels like summer on the road to God.

- Laura Novello, grade 3

** Should the author or any of the poets included here happen to find this post, I would be delighted to hear from you! (Wouldn't it be fun to update readers on where these poets are 20 years later?!)  irene (at) irenelatham (dot) com


  1. These are so fantastic!!! You weren't kidding when you said at least one would break my heart!

  2. Wow, you found such a treasure of poems in that book. Thanks for sharing some of them.

  3. "the king of my quiet place" -- what a stunning collection you stumbled upon! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Irene,
    I have this book in my collection and was very privileged to know Sandy Lyne and experience his wonderful workshops. Prior to his death in 2007, he published Writing Poetry from the Inside Out. Do you have this book? I highly recommend it. His soothing, inspiring voice is throughout. He had an amazing gift at making students feel like writers. I wish you could have met him. I know you would have loved him, too.

  5. So heart felt, and now that I've read Margaret's comment, I can see why they are, writing with a wonderful writing teacher! Such connections, you on vacation, finding the book, and now Margaret knowing about the teacher! Thanks for sharing, Irene.

  6. Irene, this was always a favorite in my 6th grade classroom! I'm hoping the librarian didn't weed it in her latest purge. I'm off to try to locate a copy for my personal collection. "Warmth" is my favorite of the ones you shared.

    1. I checked the library shelves yesterday...this book survived the purge of 2015! Whew!

  7. I am actually one of the kids in this book. I just found this post when looking for the book to get the ISBN number for someone as we were talking about.


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