
Friday, July 31, 2015

#EveryBrilliantThing July Roundup

Hello, and Happy Poetry Friday! I have been traveling this week -- more on this later! -- but I did want to pop in and say hello and invite everyone to visit Keri at Keri Recommends for Roundup where she welcomes us to the farm with a poem from Summer Poetry Swap. :)

This year I am keeping a virtual gratitude list, inspired by the play Every Brilliant ThingHere's my post about it. 

And here is my list for JULY... most of these did not appear daily on Twitter, as I haven't been online much this summer!

Homemade whipped cream.
Selfie with Buttercups & Accessories.
Farmers' market with Paul.
Microchip dog ID.
Baking a cake.
Summer Poetry Swap.
Camp Buttercup.
Jacuzzi tubs.
The scent of basil.
First day of a new job.
Drive-thru pharmacy.
Harry Potter.
Twilight movie marathon with Eric.
Friday Night Lights.
French braids.
Bobbie's old office chair.
90th Pony Penning Week!
My Authur Umlauf sculpture.
Writer-friend phone therapy.
Night storms.
So quiet I can hear the clock ticking.
Planning a vacation.
Revision notes.
Poetry Friday community.
Wild ponies of Assateague.
Luxury bed sheets.
Coming home.


  1. It's fun to see the picture of that Pony Penning, Irene, and your July list makes quite a good month.

  2. oh coming home would be on my list along with several of your other choices but friends gigles and dog love would also be on my list

  3. Hi Irene! Your list poem offers insights into your living, and I identify with some items for sure. Want to say more about styrofoam... ? Just wondering! Thanks for taking the time to share while travel weary.

  4. Coming home definitely, Girl trips too!

  5. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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