
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Advice from Anne Lamott

Last week I was fortunate enough to sit in a church and listen to Anne Lamott talk about creativity and writing and pain -- and pajama tops. (You had to be there. :) It was an inspiring night, and I especially loved getting to know the young writer/mom I happened to be sitting next to. O happy accident! Or not...

Anne had lots to say about taking the first step, just doing it, and how bumper sticker language can be maddening when one is grieving and really just needs to hear, yes, this sucks, let me sit with you a while. But of all the wonderful words she shared with us, this is what has stuck with me:

Look up.

Not down at your shoes.

Not at your belly -- yes, it's sticking out.

Look up.

Isn't that wonderful?! In part, because it can mean so many things... look up with pride, be bold, meet the world head on, give thanks, praise... LOOK UP.

Thank you, Anne Lamott! And thank YOU, readers, for sharing in my WILD celebration. So, so wonderful!! I am still buzzing. 

And looking up. 


  1. I love what she said - and may I add: Look up! It is dark right now, but the sun will rise in the morning.

  2. Yes, Gene, my fellow leaky friend! The sun will rise. Thank you!

  3. Knowing how much you like the sky, it feels as if she was speaking just for you, Irene, another 'wild' moment? Wonderful that you got to hear her.

  4. Thank you for sharing this from Anne Lamott. I love the way she is always so encouraging. The reminder to "Look up!" will stay with me. xo

  5. This b/w image is uplooking & perfect with Anne Lamott's words.

    Writing charms to your new writer friend, too.

    And, to us all.

  6. Oh, I am so jealous, Irene. I would love to hear her speak live. Thank you for sharing, and I'm glad it was a great event!

  7. Wow. That really hit home for me. Thanks for sharing, Irene!


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