
Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Box Full of Delight

Today is Spiritual Journey Thursday, and according the schedule we are discussing Holly's One Little Word "WAIT." I invite you to read the post I wrote "On Waiting" back in January. I will be back later this evening to post Poetry Friday Roundup (yes, Roundup is here this week!), but first I want to take this opportunity to share more on my One Little Word: DELIGHT.

For my birthday, my friend Pat send me a box full of delight: it included a stack of fabric for quilting, some collector plates featuring child-musicians (something I delight in, as I am a new-ish cellist and my son is an avid musician), some other treasures, and this necklace:

Yes, she special-ordered that word for the charm. :) To say I am delighted is an understatement! SO THOUGHTFUL. And beautiful. What a great way to delight in my One Little Word. Thank you, Pat!

And now, I want to extend a special invitation to Spiritual Journey friends to participate in the 2016 Progressive Poem! Would love for all of you to join the fun during National Poetry Month. Please?

Finally, I shall leave you with a wonderful quote from Rumi:


  1. Irene, I can imagine the delight in your eyes when you opened your package. I love the image with the Rumi quote. It is so powerful. To think that we have so much joy in each of our beings just waiting to overflow is a wonderful thought. Sometimes, we forget that so each day we must find one more delight.

  2. What a "delightful" surprise!! The necklace is beautiful and so special. How thoughtful of your friend!
    And the quote is pretty special, too. It changes your perspective on things when you can see the world that way!

  3. Happy belated birthday! Thank you for sharing the gift of your OLW necklace. I especially love that it's resting on lace that so highlights and complements its design and font. (Given the way the letters are formed, I couldn't help deconstructing; De light, which at first seemed not to make any sense--to shut off or take away the light. But then I thought that to delight, there are backdrops of darkness we need to contrast with that which makes the object of delight more visible and appreciated; like the rainbow after the storm--or something like that:)...What a blessing to have a friend who recognizes and honors who you are and what is important to you! God bless both of you. Thanks again! ...Next, I'll visit your prior post...

  4. Happy birthday!! Oh, how beautiful that necklace is!! What a special friend Pat must be. :-) On a side note (no pun intended), how exciting that you are playing the cello! I am intrigued by the progressive poem event. It all depends on how settled we are in our condo by then, but I will definitely think about it! Sounds fun!

  5. Irene, love the post, signed up for Progressive Poem, and LOVE the ending of the quote from Rumi, yes!

  6. Irene, love the post, signed up for Progressive Poem, and LOVE the ending of the quote from Rumi, yes!

  7. Your birthday package sounds like a year's undertaking with quilting, music and charms. My kids play music, and I've managed to learn a simple version of Greensleeves on piano as an adult. Cello is a beautiful instrument. My middle son plays cello. Happy Birthday and have fun creating with delight.

  8. Thanks for the delightful poster in the mail. What a treat! I'll be back when I figure out what to do for PF. My brain is turning to mush in all this wind and rain. Lovely gift!

  9. YOU are a delight, Irene - and I hope your birthday and this year are as wonderful as Pat's thoughtful and lovely gifts. (Of course I love that necklace... ;0) Been working on glass cabochon projects for my church all day today, in fact.) Thanks for sharing some Rumi. XO

  10. Happy Birthday, dear Woman-of-Light-and-Delight!

    How does Rumi pierce my heart every time?

  11. Happy Birthday too. I loved the necklace. So pretty. I also love your choice of word "delight." I am still waiting to learn my word of the year. :)

  12. What a sweet gift. Your delight absolutely lights up this post! I will take the thought from your Rumi poster with me into this day. (Sorry I missed your Poetry Friday, but sometimes life feels too piled up to add one more layer... even poetry.)


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