
Thursday, March 24, 2016

This Little Light of Mine

Hello, and welcome to Spiritual Journey Thursday! Please join us as we discuss Doraine's One Little Word SHINE.

I love this word. I love how warm it is, how it brings to mind the sun and all its magic, and light of all kinds. I want my life to shine, my words to shine, my heart to shine, every single day. And I don't mean this in a "look at me" way... more of an inner shine, a me-at-my-best way, a me-experiencing-life-fully way.

I want to stumble in and sit down at a piano and tease out "Flight of the Bumblebee" the way Geoffrey Rush does as pianist David Helfgott in the movie SHINE.

Mostly I want to shine like the woman in this article -- a story I have revisited and revisited, and it still chokes me up. A shining not just for myself, but for others. Shining as a way to love this world and all the people in it -- even on days like today when I'm not feeling particularly shine-y.

Looking forward to everyone else's thoughts!


  1. Thank you for sharing you shining goals, which I, too, wish to pursue; I applaud your beautiful explanation: "And I don't mean this in a "look at me" way... more of an inner shine, a me-at-my-best way, a me-experiencing-life-fully way." Thank you, too, for sharing the link to the article, which not only shines out-of-this-world light on this week's OLW, but also helps us look ahead to next week's OLW: bold! Each week your post shines with goodness and optimism. I love, too, how you highlight music that speaks to you (& to me, too!). Thank you! God bless you!

  2. I think you are a super shiny person, Irene! Sparkly in the best way :-)

  3. I look forward to going to your links to see what you added - I'm on spring break and have limited Internet access - it's painfully slow! I love the OLW, SHINE, too, and agree that an inner shine is what we want!

  4. I love this phrase from your post: "Shining as a way to love this world and all the people in it -- " It's challenging to love the unloveable, but this sweet woman did it. She put her own fears aside and reached out. Thanks for sharing this. I hadn't seen it.

  5. Just because the fire isn't large, that doesn't mean the flame isn't shining. Some days we have to cup our hands around the flame as we keep moving on.

  6. Irene, random acts of kindness like the one you shared are rare because people are afraid to extend their heart to love all around them. What if there was an unlimited amount of shining rays that fall from the sky into our hearts? And so your heart filled with faith and love longs to experience life fully.


Your thoughts?