
Friday, June 24, 2016

When Green Becomes Tomatoes: Poems for all Seasons by Julie Fogliano

Hello, and Happy Poetry Friday! I am busy with the Buttercups, but I invite you to visit Diane at Random Noodling for Roundup. Also, dear Jan has posted a fun little interview at Bookseedstudio for those who might want to know a little more about me and my poetry books. I'm so grateful, Jan, to know you and call you friend!

Here at Live Your Poem I've been savoring WHEN GREEN BECOMES TOMATOES: Poems for All Seasons by Julie Fogliano, illustrations byJulie Morstad. Please find below a sample poem from each season. Note the child-like sense of wonder in these poems as well as the e.e. cummings lack of capital letters and punctuation, What fun for sharing with young readers!

march 24

what the snow left behind
was a red scarf
next to a wooden carrot
one blue mitten
a big snow shovel
a little snow shovel
and mud
and mud
and mud
and more mud
and muddy mud
and mud

july 28

if you ever stopped
to taste a blueberry
you would know
that it's not really about the blue, at all

september 22

i still love you sunshine and swimming and sea
and strawberries, you know that i do
but i'm ready to move on
to something that's new
so now, i am waiting for sweaters

january 30

it is the best kind of day
when it is snowing
and the house
sounds like slippers
and sipping
and there is nowhere to go
but the kitchen
for a cookie

copyright Julie Fogliano


Aren't those wonderful?! Happy Tomato Season, everyone. xo


  1. Yes, they absolutely are wonderful! Thanks for sharing them! Have fun with your Buttercups.

  2. It is a beauty of a book, isn't it? I love reading the seasons, makes me ready for fall already, & "not really about the blue, at all". That line is perfect! Thanks, Irene, time for Farmer's Markets!

  3. From the sample you've shared, this one must go on my "order for the library" list! And thanks for the birthday poem--my birthday is September 22!

  4. What lovely little poems. I haven't seen this yet. Not in our library. Guess I'm going to need to order it. Thanks. Enjoy those buttercups.

  5. I love these poems, Irene. So glad I got to read your Blog today. I will be buying this book for my granddaughter AND for myself. I have seen it online before but haven't held it. Wonderful. Thank you.
    Janet F.

  6. I put this book I my list. I love the daily poems capturing the seasonal moments.

  7. I didn't know Julie or this book B-4 your post, dear Irene.
    Appreciations for the introduction. I smiled all thru, especially
    with the cookie line, in january.

    Thank you for the lovely link!

  8. Wonderful, indeed! But I think even in June "there is nowhere to go/but the kitchen/for a cookie" Happy summer, Irene!

  9. I've heard so many good things about this book -- can't wait to see it for myself!

  10. What I treat! I laughed aloud at the repeated use of "and mud." (If I were to write about being outside today in MS, it would be "and sweat and bugs and sweat and sweat." xoxo


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