
Monday, August 8, 2016

2016 Sister Outdoor Quilt Show

We brought home this gorgeous
signed poster!
Anyone who knows me knows I love quilts. I love them as an art form, as a household necessity, as a piece of history. I love how every stitch tells a story, and every stitch is an act of love.

Which is why the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show has been on my must-do list for many years.

And now I've done it! Paul and I scheduled our Oregon trip around the show, and wow, was it wonderful! If you are a quilt lover, you simply MUST do this. Beautiful scenery, sweet town, amazing quilts. And it happens every year, on the 2nd Saturday in July.

I'd heard it was big, and might be overwhelming. No lie: quilts are EVERYWHERE. So we just took it slow and steady. It helped that we had local friend-librarian-awesome person Paige Bentley-Flannery to share the experience with.

Here is sampling of some of the quilts:

Our middle son wanted us to buy this one!
(We didn't.)

When I saw this one, I immediately thought

I wasn't the only one taking pictures. :)

.... and since I've been home, I've been working on a quilting project of my own: a Blue Christmas quilt, made entirely of triangles. Here are some pics from from craft room:
My craft room - sewing machine
in front of the window, of course!

the cutting table

some squares I've already cut for mass producing
the half square triangles required for this quilt!

Yes, I am having fun. :) What fun things are YOU doing this summer...that are inspiring other fun things? Please share!


  1. So fun to see the quilt pics. LOVE the fabrics for your blue Christmas quilt! Is that a quilt on the floor of your craft room or a rug? So fun to get these peeks into your spaces.

  2. Christmas in August? Triangle fandangle. It looks like the scene Oregon trip was bountiful in several ways. And your sunny craft room looks inviting.

    We are unpacking from our eight days of living local in London! (Blogs to follow)

    And #amwriting my novel-in-verse &
    #amwriting new query for salty poems &
    #amwriting buncha hand-written notes & cards,
    which I love to send (as you know.)

  3. My favorites were the house and bird quilts. Can't wait to see what your quilt looks like once it's done!

  4. My favorites were the house and bird quilts. Can't wait to see what your quilt looks like once it's done!


Your thoughts?