
Monday, October 3, 2016

Seattle is for Poetry & Art & Books & FRIENDS

How to tell you about my week last week? Well, since this NEW week is already up and running with me off to Georgia COMO mid-week and our annual SCBWI Southern Breeze conference this weekend -- where I will be attending an Intensive with Bruce Coville.... I've decided to do some short posts about each part of my trip.

First up, Seattle with Sarah, who, among so many other things, keeps a blog called Shine Memoirs!
Sarah with pink-booted big-girl Georgia!

I met Sarah online when she contacted me with a request for a broadside of my poem "Black Shawl Remembers Crazy Horse." She saw it hanging at the Crazy Horse Memorial, and she wanted one for herself!

1. She saw my poem!
2. She like my poem!
3. She actually contacted me to tell me! (I totally want to be more like Sarah!)

Anyhow, years later... I come to Seattle, and Sarah is the lovely poet/mom/Antarctic explorer who picks me up!

Sarah and I shared a lunch under sunny (!) Seattle skies, then she shared her art-n-poetry filled home with me. I got to meet her gorgeous family! Eat home-grilled salmon with her! Talk poetry with her!

Sarah collects broadsides!

sweet Georgia

lego-loving Xavier (who reminded me SO MUCH
of my boys when they were small...)

picture book display wall! (Christian,
come to Alabama and build one for me! Please?)

And, we went to a Elliott Bay Books for a nonfiction book proposal class. Sarah was all like, we can skip it, but little did she know I am working on a memoir and I NEED that class! (I'm taking it online for the next five weeks!) Talk about serendipity.

After a lovely night's sleep, Sarah showed me the Olympic Sculpture Park where, it turns out, she first met her husband. Sweet! And then we went to Pike Place Market, which I had only seen on tv, so that was pretty awesome.

So. Much. Seafood.

Those berries!

Rocky Pacific shores...
so sad the rock I brought home with the volcano-shaped barnacle
no longer has the volcano-shaped barnacle. :(

I spy the Space Needle....

Sculptures are great for hide-n-seek.

The Eagle.

And then... we had lunch with Ramona, who whisked me away to Mercer Island!

Read about that part of my week... next post! Thank you, Sarah, whom I am so honored to know and call my friend. xo


  1. Wow! I would like her to adopt me, too!! What a wonderful time you had. I want to get to know more about Sarah and I love her book display wall.Wow!! Sounds like you had a wonderful visit in Seattle and saw the sights. Would love to visit some day.I love the poetry for kids community. What a great group of people. Can't wait to read more about your adventures at Poetry Camp!!! Janet F. aka Janet Clare

  2. Looks like so much fun. I love Seattle. My brother-in-law and his family live on Capitol Hill. Of course, they were here in LA this weekend, though, for my daughter's wedding. I wish I could've gone home with them.

  3. Wow! That visit sounds so very very rich. Love getting glimpses of your new project, too.

  4. Just beaming over here in Seattle! Hosting you was such a pleasure, Irene. I was pretty thrilled to have you all to myself for 24 hours - and overlap with Ramona for our market lunch. You are an inspiration. Come stay with us again, anytime! Big hugs!

  5. What a wonderful way to begin your trip to Washington! Looking forward to hearing more about your visit with Ramona and Poetry Camp.

  6. Love your beautiful pics! Glad you shared the picture book display wall. So fun! And sweet Georgia, she was a delightful lunch companion, as were you and Sarah! You captured wonderful pics from the Sculpture Park!


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