
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

My Secret Santa

Last week I received in the mail a package from one of my favorite catalogs to browse: Uncommon Goods.

Inside was a beautiful glass "Wishing Ball & Gratitude Globe."
Along with the glass piece, it included small slips of paper for writing your wishes or gratitudes to insert into the globe.

I love it! For me it's most certainly a Gratitude Globe. And the design is for the month of April, which was also noted in the packaging. Not my birthday, but National Poetry Month. Hmmm...

What wasn't noted in the packaging was who sent it to me!

Maybe this was a mistake. Or maybe this giver wishes to remain anonymous. Either way I want to share here today that the first slip I put inside the globe said, "whoever gave me this gift." Thank you!! I'm keeping the globe in my studio, right beside my desk. It's gorgeous, and I am delighted every time I think of it!

And, note to self: give more gifts anonymously. How beautiful!

***ETA: Turns out, my secret Santa is.... my sister!!! I totally should have guessed that. :)***


  1. That is a gift to enjoy for a long time! Maybe it was from your winter poem swapper?

    1. Tabatha, I thought of that! Could be!! I will let you know. :)

  2. It's always a good time for a surprise, Irene. How beautiful it is!

    1. Yes, Linda, it really brightened my day. I would like to do more of this kind of thing for others. xo

  3. What a wonderful idea! Wish I had thought of it. I love secret gifts, too, but this one especially spoke to your heart. Very special.

  4. Let's pretend I sent it, Irene. I shoulda. <3

  5. How random & winsome. I'm with April... I shoulda sent it, for all you mean to my poetry process & the boost you've given me.
    Happy Wishing & Gratitude Giving!


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