
Monday, January 9, 2017

Movie Monday: LA LA LAND

Last night while La La Land was winning a record 7 Golden Globes, we were sitting in the theater watching it.

Sunday night is not our usual date night, but this past weekend the city of Birmingham was incapacitated by snow and ice for about 48 hours, so... we missed Saturday night, and let me tell you, I was going CRAZY! I was so, so happy to get out of the house.

And you know, I loved the movie. LOVED it. I really cannot think of a movie that has made me so happy -- and broken my heart -- as this one. It's magical and beautiful and inspiring. It about dreams and hope and always, always LOVE. And did I mention it's magical and beautiful? In some ways it's old-fashioned, and it reminded me of MARY POPPINS. Plus I want all Mia's (Emma Stone) dresses. :) That whole segment at the end -- which I won't spoil for those who haven't seen it yet -- is so very perfect (even though it broke my heart). And the music! Great lyrics and melodies, throw in some jazz, and WOW. I can't think of a single thing I'd change about this movie. I can't wait to see it again. DON'T MISS.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this movie too. What a treat to be mesmerized by a movie and come away feeling so good. You nailed it with your review - magical and beautiful and inspiring! It's one I want to see again too.


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