
Monday, March 13, 2017

Jazzing it Up with Poetry at Young Author's Conference (Mobile, AL)

This past Saturday it was my honor and privilege to be the speaker at the "Jazz it Up with Poetry" Young Author's Conference at West Regional Branch Library in Mobile, Alabama. This is an annual event sponsored by Mobile Public Library, Friends of the Mobile Public Library and Metro Mobile Reading Council. And It. Was. Amazing!

I met so many wonderful young authors and artists who shared their work with me in a lovely bound edition... of course I asked them to sign my book for me! And I met some fabulous adults, too, all of whom are dedicated to promoting the love of books. So much volunteer energy goes into an event like this, and I am grateful to have been a part of it.
Busy young authors just before my presentation!
One highlight was getting to see fellow Birmingham author-friend Chandra Sparks Splond and her daughter Jessica. Here is our selfie:

I talked about poetry and my other books and how making connections with readers has brought so much meaning to my life. I was thrilled when they gifted me with this t-shirt, which I will be wearing during April (National Poetry Month) for sure!

Check out these signatures from young authors... one in particular fills me with tenderness:

Big thanks to everyone involved, especially Nancy Anlage and Elizabeth Gillespie, for taking such good care of me and making me and Paul feel so very welcome. I'm in awe of the work you do -- what a gift to the community!


  1. Incredible! Love the energy in your smile!

  2. Love the pics, the T-shirt, and your autographed book. Hats off to those who planned this event.

  3. It was fun to see you again. Your presentation was great. I love volunteering with MMRC each year.
    Fellow SCBWI Pal,
    Carrie Dalby


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