
Monday, August 28, 2017

Writing with Homeschoolers

Meeting young readers/writers
is so much fun!
Last week it was my pleasure to work with a homeschool group at Homewood Public Library here in Birmingham. Homeschooling families are near and dear to my heart -- in part because I was a homeschool mom for several years!

What many don't know (this group didn't) is that even though our three sons have all graduated/will graduate from a public high school, I have homeschooled various kids or various reasons at the elementary, middle and high school levels. And I. Loved. It. I wouldn't trade that time learning together with my kids for anything. I'm so grateful to have had that opportunity and experience.

So what did I do with this homeschool group? Well, the library billed it as "local author will talk about what it takes to get started in the literary world." Only I didn't discover this verbiage until a day before our scheduled meeting -- after I had created a lesson on writing poems and stories after Pixar postcards.

So -- we did both!

First I gave them a handout with my tips for writing/publishing for kids. (If YOU want the handout, I am happy to share it! Simply email me: irene (at) irenelatham (dot) com.) Here are the young writers (and moms) selecting postcards:

And then we started writing.... using description, emotion, and imagination.
We had swamps and oceans and ants and loneliness and Star Wars references... we talked through ways to expand themes the that emerged... and it was completely inspiring. Thank you, writers!


  1. Oh, this looks like such fun! And because I've seen you in action at my middle school, I know what a delightful experience this was for the students in attendance. I didn't remember that you had done some homeschooling of your own. Hats off to any moms who can pull that off! My good friend and I used to joke that she could home school my kids and I could do hers.

  2. I agree with Ramona. This sounds like a really good time for both you and the children. For 10 years before I retired from public education, one of my districtwide duties was overseeing the homeschool program. One of the students was a HS actor. I was fascinated by his story that his mother would relay to me each year. I would love a copy of your handout.


Your thoughts?