
Friday, September 22, 2017

"Writing in Fall" Poem for the First Day of Autumn

Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit Amy at the Poem Farm for Roundup.
I have been away from my desk all week, traveling with the amazing folks at Alabama Library Expo! Lucky me: Paul joined me for the first three stops, and my dear friend Pat joined me for the last stop!
Over the four day tour I met nearly 600 librarians, about a dozen book vendors, and two other authors -- and it was so much fun! Here is a quick collage:

One of the things I told the librarians (who might also be writers) was to treat writing like brushing your teeth -- don't go to bed without doing it!
With that in mind, while in the hotel room at one of the stops, I crafted a wee poem in celebration of the Autumnal equinox. I do love fall... and I love WRITING in fall. It's my favorite season!

created at (because PicMonkey
is no longer allowing me free services... grr!)
Writing in Fall
O muse,
     o maple,

o sweet sweater

thank you
     for firewind

words gusting
     the page –

how they tumble,
pile –

leaving plenty

to gather,


- Irene Latham


  1. Now that I've experience my first Autumn (in Melbourne earlier this year) I know what you are all rhapsodising about. Loving your (leaf)litter of words, Irene.

  2. Delightful! The thought of written words as falling leaves to gather. Wonderful poem.
    I'm a librarian that also writes. I'm so glad you addressed that special group. We live in words and peddle words and just love sharing them.

  3. I love "sweet sweater days."

    Did PicMonkey say you can't use it without paying or did you have problems getting in? I had trouble with PicMonkey a few weeks ago. It turned out not to be a PicMonkey problem, but a Flash problem. I ended up changing Flash to a 64 bit version and that seems to have taken care of it. (Google is your friend when you don't know what you're doing--like me. I googled my problem and found the solution.) Good luck!

  4. Love your autumnal tumble of words -- the perfect poem to greet the new season. "sweet sweater days" is perfect!

  5. I love your sweater weather and your firewind. Today is more like waterwind here. And raincoat weather. I love that you write even on a day that must be draining, even while spectacular. Congrats on that whirlwind!

  6. I love fall, and I love your fall writing poem. Such good advice to write every day. Now if I can just keep on even on the hard days when the blank page taunts me!

  7. Oh, what a lovely fall poem! "Words gusting the page..." I love that image. Lucky librarians to get to spend time with you!

  8. Wow--600 librarians! (Lucky you, lucky them.) Fall has suddenly turned hot in Michigan, but I am also looking forward to sweet sweater days.

  9. "words gusting/the page"- you are so brilliant! Happy to share a welcome to fall kind of post with you in PF-land today. What a terrific sounding tour! XO

  10. Wow, you've been around!

    Ooh gorgeous poem, Irene. I heart "sweet sweater days" "firewind" "words gusting the page." This poem is golden, and smells of leaf litter and smoke.

  11. Sounds like a whirlwind of a week, I enjoyed your collage of pics. I'm glad you were able to fit in some writing. Fall's a favorite season of mine too. Your poem is a lovely analogy to the writing process, especially the closing lines,
    "leaving plenty

    to gather,


    Thanks for sharing all, and enjoy the fall!

  12. Yes! Fall IS just like this. Marvelous and cozy....and now I want to have you up north here for warm cider and toes by the fire with two dogs running nearby. Please? Thank you, Irene. Those 600 librarians must have been so happy to meet YOU! Peace. x


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