
Thursday, June 7, 2018

#lakelife Spiritual Journey Thursday June edition

front porch chalkboard message
Hello and Happy Spiritual Journey Thursday! Be sure to visit Margaret at Reflections on the Teche for Roundup. Our topic today is "summer."

I actually posted earlier this week about some things I've been struggling with -- always obstacles on the Journey -- so today I wanted to share a few of the ways I'm enjoying summer so far.

As some of you may recall, our baby boy graduated high school last month and departed the day after for his summer camp counselor job. So we are adjusting to the empty nest! (We did see him last night, so yay for that!) AND there's been all sorts of other things going on in our lives, what with birthdays and sale of our house and me working on a new book... but really, all of that fades during these juicy-sweet June days.

Top 3 Ways I'm Spending My Time this June:

1. Swimming, with dog Ruby looking on... she hasn't been brave enough yet to jump in. Maybe today?

2. Reading/Writing/Dreaming on the dock. One great thing about not-great internet: more poems swim their way to me!

3. Lake-watching. This never gets old. Whatever the weather, whatever time of day... I am 24-7 inspired.

Looking forward to reading about everyone else's thoughts on summer!


  1. What a beautiful place for poems to swim into view! May the joy you are finding bring you quickly to your destination. Love!

  2. Love these pics! And the top three ways you're enjoying June and the quote on the chalkboard. Now it's time to get to my post.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful June!

  4. Lake inspired! What joy and peace! I'm happy poems are swimming your way.

  5. Irene, you must be gloriously in love with your new house and environment. I can see why inspiration comes to you amidst all of the richness around you. Congratulations on your son's graduation. Being an empty-nester must seem odd but that's a whole new chapter of your life. May summer reward you with all that your heart desires and active, joyful encounters with your new book.
    Would you like to share your lake-side photo of the amazing AL sunset and a quote with me? I could place that in the spring gallery or save it for the summer one.

  6. What a dream-come-true it would be to live beside water! I'm not a bit surprised that you stay inspired and a welcome harbour for any and all poems floating by.


Your thoughts?