
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Middle Me This

Hello and Happy Spiritual Journey Thursday! Today we are gathering at Dori Reads to share "midpoint musings" for this year that's nearly half over. (!)

Before we get to that, I blogged earlier this week at Smack Dab in the Middle about a writing habit I've freed myself from in a post titled Writers, Stop Comparing Yourself to Others. Wanted to be sure and share with all of you, as it certainly has to do with my Spiritual Journey!

For me the year 2018 has been a ripe blueberry: we moved Dec. 31, so for the entire year so far we've been adjusting to our new place -- learning where to go to the dentist and how long it takes to get to the library and all the quirky things about our house.

We shepherded our baby boy through his final months of high school and sent him on his way to his summer camp job, leaving us empty-nesters.

quilted bear discovered
at Springville Preservation
Society's antique toy display
We've been exploring our area, visiting the tiny museums and shops in nearby towns, looking for stories, and smiling as stories have found us!

We attended a family wedding and had houseguests. We tried three different homemade ice cream recipes and found our favorite.

I traveled quite a lot for CAN I TOUCH YOUR HAIR?, and I've written (and sold!) two new books. So, lots of happenings, lots of joy, and some growing pains, too. Life.

Behold: skunk!
In terms of my 2018 One Little Word BEHOLD, oh my, has there been beauty to behold! I'm amazed and delighted about how much our conversation and days revolve around wildlife: bald eagles, birds at our feeder, squirrels, skunks, dragonflies, fish, wildflowers.

Also, mice: we apparently have an attic-full, so each night we put out the mouse cube, and each morning we meet our caught-mouse and marvel at each one's distinct personality (which becomes evident as we release them into the woods -- some freeze, some hit the ground running, some dart-hide, dart-hide before disappearing).

Truly, life is good!

stained glass at the church
where my niece was married
As for my expectations for the second half of the year, the calendar seems to be peppered with a number of short trips -- some related to books and authordom, others simple (and not so simple) adventures with family. And more of the same, I think: walks and nature and writing and beholding and reading and discovering.

Cheers to life in the middle (and the muddle!). Excited to read all of your offerings. xo


  1. What's your favorite ice cream recipe? That's a delicious thing to taste test :-)! Sounds like a rich 1/2 year. xo

  2. Lovely musings about the middle! Glad you were able to behold that skunk from a bit of a distance. Like Tabatha, I want the ice cream recipe! The has certainly been a year of changes for you. Here's to more delight and much to behold as you move into the 2nd half of the year!

  3. Oh Irene, yours sounds like a love story of a new home. I so enjoy your delight over the simple beautiful natural things. Sounds like the lake house is indeed a home in more ways than one. I am raising my glass to you and to similar successes and adventures in second half of 2018!

  4. Many blessings have come your way, Irene, and there should be more as your behold the marvels of life. You are open to the spirituality of the world and it is welcoming you into Part 2 of 2018.

  5. I mused more about the middle - and muddle came up, too.
    Glad you are settling in to your new routine and new home! (Make sure you are releasing those mice FAR AWAY from your house...!)

  6. Cheers, indeed, for all the wonderful things happening in your life and home this year. You are very kind to those little mousies living in your attic! Wishing you a joyful after middle!

  7. I'm finally getting around to reading these posts now that I'm home from my trip. It's so great to hear how well life is going for you right now!


Your thoughts?