
Friday, November 9, 2018

A Tea Party Poem for Fancy Nancy

Hello and Happy Poetry Friday! Be sure to visit for Michelle at Today's Little Ditty for Roundup.

Okay, how many of you Poetry Friday-ers are fans of FANCY NANCY? As many of you know, I am the mom of three boys, and I don't recall ever reading a FANCY NANCY... until now.

The other day at a library used bookstore, I picked up FANCY NANCY: Poet, Extraordinaire by Jane O'Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser. 

It's adorable! On the first page, Nancy signs her name "Nancy Clancy" and notes, "My name rhymes, so I am naturally poetic." Ha! It includes Nancy's family members' favorite poems..nursery rhymes, poems that tell a story... and poems for a school poet-tree and acrostic poems... and a poetry club called Palace of Poetry, where the wall is decorated with these signs: 
"Poetry is superb!"
" Poetry is glorious!"
"Poetry is lyrical!" 

There's inspiration, and advice for writer's block and even an anthology of "Favorite Poems of Nancy M. Clancy," including poems by Jack Prelutsky, Arnold Lobel, Douglas Florian, and others. And on the final page, this:

"I wish I had a poem about a tea party, because I have tea parties all the time with my doll Marabelle Lavinia Chandelier. As soon as I find one I really like, I'll add it to my collection."

So, here is my tea party poem for Fancy Nancy. :)

Tea Party

Let's have a tea party!
We'll wear hats and lace.
We won't slurp or wiggle;
someone will say grace.

Our table might topple –
so many sweet treats!
Still, we'll nibble and sip,
never leave our seats.

Our best dolls will join us;
our teddy bears, too.
We'll converse like grown ups:
Hi. How do you do?”

Let's have a tea party!
Who needs hats and lace?
Everyone's invited.
We'll save you a place.

- Irene Latham

And finally... NCTE is NEXT WEEK! I look forward to seeing some Poetry Friday friends there. Here is my schedule. xo


  1. LOVE this post!! Your tea party poem is wonderful. I confess I've never read a Fancy Nancy book, but this one about poetry looks very tempting.

  2. Have a wonderful time at NCTE. It's such a great place to be! Fancy Nancy is popular at the bookstore and when people donate one, it goes out the door fast! I didn't know she had one about being a poet, wonderful! And your poem and tea parties with "sweet treats" and "teddy bears", no "slurp or wiggle" - good memories! Thanks, Irene.

  3. I like your tea party poem. And I love tea parties, though mine are usually a lot less fancy. :-)

  4. Oh my goodness, I have a lot of Fancy Nancy fans at my library! I haven't seen this one, though!

  5. Irene, how wonderful your post is, full of Fancy Nancy's wish for a tea party and your special poem. Since my daughter says that Christmas toys for little Sierra should consist of kitchen items, I found an adorable learning toy. It is a tea party set with a polite teapot that sings and talks as it pours out the sound teapots make. I think I will print out your poem and tuck it in the gift. I expect to see you after my presentation on Friday and then join you at Dear Agnes' table. It follows my 2nd presentation. Can't wait to see you.

  6. I think the Fancy Nancy books were too late for my kids--this one looks like a delight! And now I think they will have to reissue the book with an Irene Latham tea-party poem!

  7. I missed the fun of Fancy Nancy as a kid....but I love it now as an adult. She is one sassy girl with her love of language. I imagine she will love your tea party poem and have something to say about it. I wonder what that would be?

  8. No doubt Fancy Nancy will be saving a special place at the table for Fancy Irene and her fancy tea party poem! Delightful!

  9. This is so light-hearted and joyful and a lovely antidote to ....well, to a lot. I've always enjoyed Fancy Nancy's love of words, but I didn't know this particular book. I'll definitely be seeking it out! I admire how you rose to the challenge and created this delightful tea party poem. Well done!

  10. I wish I could come to NCTE and attend all your sessions! You will rock, time 8 this year, I know. And... perfect tea party post for me this week. I am finally, after attempts foiled by weather and travel warnings, meeting up with a dear friend going through cancer treatment next week - at a tea house! As your poem celebrates, there is something so very special about tea. Love to you with extra sugar cubes!

  11. Oh, lucky Fancy Nancy to have a poem written just for her! Last month in Victoria was my first time having tea with friends. It won't be may last! What a wonderful time to linger, sip, and share delicious treats with friends.

  12. I guess Fancy Nancy is universally loved. Our copies are always out. And perhaps it's time for another tea party collection of poems? There's Tea Party Today by Eileen Spinelli--but, I don't think it's nearly enough, do you?

  13. Fancy Nancy is a delight. We read Fancy Nancy stories over and over and over when my daughter was small, but I haven't seen this one. Your tea party poem is the perfect addition!

  14. My 5-yr-old has discovered Nancy, but I've not seen this book yet, so I suppose that will have to be next on my list! (And I'm sure my daughter would love your tea party poem!)

  15. I love your "Tea Party" poem Irene, I'm coming, already on my way–it's superbly delightful–and everythings there including the toppling table, bears, and dolls–thanks what a wonderful poem to end my night with, xo

  16. We're always up for a tea party here, sans lace and hats!


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